Mv.eo. QArmy Ja..
@Mveokeiko_QArmyJapanFlynnJapanese QAnon, QArmyJapanFlynn member https://benibaru.wixsite.com/qajfofficial https://www.qraft.info/ WWG1WGA

Rachael Carter
@RachTuffourChristian | Australian | Mum | Free Thinker | Wished Trump Was My President | Qanon in training | Reading, Watching, Lis...

Mighty Victory
@Mighty_VictoryWWG1WGA Ready for the great awakening! The Best is yet to come and we each have a part that only we can play as we remem...

Frogger 2020
@Frogger2020This page will have links that I find of value and support. I have a passion for truth and helping others. In God we t...

The Intercessor
@Justice4AllCQHello Patriots! I am the same Intercessor from Twitter. Was united with 26000+ Patriots there! #BendedKnee #SOPT17 #WWG1...

@REALAMERICA*AMERICA* We are the precipice #WWG1WGA /If you wear the mask, you're the problem, and not my type of person.

Elena Antonio
@ElenaAntonio45Child of God. Warrior of Truth. Trump Supporter🇺🇸. Greek Patriot🇬🇷. Every lie will be revealed.#TeamLin.Trust The Plan....

Val Smith
@VortexvalleySomethings gotta change, we walk in the filth of depravity and the stench of corruption. WWG1WGA Artist, gardener, mothe...

@TruthStarSpirit🇯🇵2021.05.07 / #WWG1WGA / 翻訳アプリに感謝(Leverage translation apps)/ Spiritual✨Higher Self🙏 / Deny COVID&flu vaccination

laurie chaisson
@lillylouiseartist, awake, love animals and wildlife, spiritual, seeker. patriot, wwg1wga

Mae Harrell
@LADYMAE50Widow of Vietnam Vet. Patriot that loves America and will be darn if all our Veterans died in Vain that served our count...

QLou BellaBoo
@SusieQLouProud Deplorable, Love my 4 rescue pups, my country and our TRUE President DONALD J TRUMP!! Banner pic of our Pres, I wa...

James Johnson
@James4220Christian. Vietnam era vet. Preacher. Patriot. Married. Pro Trump and Q. Microsoft SW developer.

Canuck News
@TrueCanuck11Canadian Patriot who Loves President Trump 💖 Banned off most platforms, on Telegram https://t.me/canucknews Formerly @tr...

Bren Bro
@Truth_is_ForeverI'm a TRUTH loving Patriot who loves her husband, children, grandchildren, GOD, and country. President Trump is my ...

Billy Sohal
@Bsq1217Husband, Father, UK Patriot. Here to Support President Trump, his Team & worldwide followers.

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more