Smith Smith
@SmithNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Great video on racism! please share.

Finally some real information instead cryptic b s where everyone acts like they're in the know but what tell you anything.
cant get it pasted, damn! Go to Rumble, look up Majic Eyes Qinly, watch the one with the white house. it is great, its sooooGREAT!

anybody know whats up with the "evergreen" shipping container in the SuezCanal?

Hey, does anyone know if Kamala recently made a statement regarding canceling Vet programs and assustance? My daughter called and was in tears thinking her husband would be without treatment and meds. I cant find anything on it that is from this year.

You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.

can anyone give me the poop on Snowden? I see both positive and negative.

Does anyone know if the FEMA "RedFlag" warning for DC has a meaning other than high winds?

Great videos. Found them through Gen McInerny on Telegram.

Marine one landscat White House

does anyone have the straight poop on the covid vaccine? Not gossip, not hear say. Is it a vaccine? have ppl died? My mother is planning on getting it next week if its available, she is 84. I want the son of a bitchin truth.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
"We have it all. All of the illicit wealth in the world has been tracked bythe NSA for the last 15 years. Wallstreet has stolen $110 Trillion from mainstreet with naked short-selling. Wallstreet has laundered $100 Trillion in diry money from traffickingin children, women, guns, drugs and gold."

👉 find me here!

There has always been a cure.
Dr. Fauxi knew it.
What Dr. Fauci has done is criminal.

The video link I shared is from#4VKM. Here it is again.

The video link I shared is from#4VKM. Here it is again.

The video link I shared is from#4VKM. Here it is again.

The video link I shared is from#4VKM. Here it is again.

I went back and rewatched all of these again. Its a good snow day activity.😊

@VincentKennedy is that Dave Portney in the end of that last 4VKM video?....😊