Silver Wolf
3 years ago

Silver Wolf

Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Lin Wood ....
What can we do non-violently within the law to fight back to reclaim our freedom?
1. Pray, pray, pray. Pray Psalms 35, 37, 140-145.
2. Tell your friends who think the election was legal to go get a mental health examination. They are the ones who are crazy or willfully ignorant.
3. Call a Communist a Communist. Do not be intimidated - exercise your free speech to the maximum extent allowed by law.
4. Make sure you do not buy anything made in China. When you a find a cell phone made in America, throw away your iPhone. In the meantime, do not spend a dime with Appl

found a antifa diaper guy on mewe . he's name Lord Antifa 🤣 read what he was posting 😡

Steve Stivers (R-OH), regarding his “nay” vote on H.Res. 24, Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors:

Retired bone shaman, classical musician, Akita mom.

Our first lady speak 6 languages. and has more class than ...what is her name again ?!

Tucker Carlson: As troops swarm our capital, Democrats send clear message: We're in charge now

Watch this .The Baron Trump Novels: The Last President.

Watch this .The Baron Trump Novels: The Last President.

someone a twatter account? . listen to thi shit !

.@SpeakerPelosi and I agree:
Congress needs to establish an investigative body like the 9/11 Commission to determine Trump's ties to Putin so we can repair the damage to our national security and prevent a puppet from occupying the presidency ever again.

BLM. Member Last shot before going to protest 🤣

something funny ......actually it's true 😆

bad quality sorry .

Twitter Suspends Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene released the following statement after her personal Twitter account was suspended:

"Just days after the Silicon Valley Cartel launched a multi-front attack to chill free speech in America by deplatforming President Donald Trump and purging an unknown number of conservatives, Twitter has decided to suspend my personal account without explanation.

The borderline monopolistic stranglehold a few Big Tech companies have on the American political discourse is out of control.

If a conservativ

Biden Transition Team "We are afraid that one of the pro-Trump National Guard forces will kill Biden on the day of the inauguration. We demand that weapons be taken from them."

what is your opinion ? new game ?!!!.

Found this on a antifa website .Go to about . Scroll down to frequently asked questions
And click in menu on education.

Found this on a antifa website .Go to about . Scroll down to frequently asked questions
And click in menu on education.

“How did they get this Pelosi’s letter? Is this proof that Pelosi’s laptop got stolen?

Strong letter from ⁦VP⁩ ⁦Mike_Pence⁩ to Nancy Pelosi beating back the 25th Amendment nonsense👇

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

We are less than 24 hours from clustering servers to speed things up here on Currently, I disabled new users from signing up to keep the site moving. Thanks for all your patience.

Breaking News
Florida Governor Makes Takes Moves to Divest State Funds from Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google and Twitter.