Susan Craig
2 years ago

Susan Craig

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Living in faith that God is in control.

Living in faith that God is in control.

I just listened to an interview of my Governor in SD, Kristi Noem, with Dave Rubin. She goes around tooting her own horn about how she didn't shut down our state, the truth is that she tried to but the legislature stopped her. She also wanted to allow t boys in women's bathrooms and in girls sports but was stopped. She spends taxpayers' money to travel everywhere and speak but she won't debate anyone here. She spent thousands of our dollars to pay an out-of-state company to create the slogan ' Meth, we're on it'. Nothing happened to help with the problem. She got $500,000 to address mental health but no one knows where that money went. She's highly funded by Sanford Health, where the CEO was arrested for child porn on his phone and computer. For some reason the charges were dismissed. She also doesn't mention that our state is being investigated for voter fraud. I wish people would stop falling for her smooth talk. She's in it for herself. Noone else.
