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dennis scribner
dennis scribner
10 months ago

dennis scribner

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Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Canada Rolls Out Social Credit System; Non-Compliant Citizens Will Have Bank Accounts Frozen.

In the aftermath of the Trucker Convoy, the Trudeau regime is radicalizing the nation’s banking system to make it impossible for citizens to express their opposition to government tyranny.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

The real wealth being destroyed is the energy production, the fertilizer and the physical ability for the FARMERS to grow food"

"Because from Asia to Europe they are cutting off their generation capability"

"In ONE year the Netherlands just cut more than 10% of food production"

"With a goal of cutting 50% by 2030"

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Polish farmers are not only angry about the Government’s climate agenda affecting their farms, but also Ukrainian farms being exempt from tariffs.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

This month French Farmers conquered the Arc de Triomphe in protest of Climate Communism & Globalist Climate Terrorism.

Of course Fake News MSM won’t tell you this or the reasons for - they’re part of it.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

California Is Running Towards Full Blown Communism

“Hate Hotline” Report Your Neighbors To The State

“Governor Gavin Newsom established a no hate hotline in California that will cost taxpayers a $110,000,000”

Residents Can Report A “Hostile act or expression against somebody's gender identity, gender expression, race, sexuality, all these different things.

They're also creating staff that will help people deal with trauma in over 200 languages.”

What’s Worse Is You Can’t Even Vote These People Out Because Of Voter Fraud



Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

California is passing a bill according to which illegal immigrants will be able to buy housing in the state.

The time is coming when the invaders from everywhere in the world will be telling us what to do!

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

BREAKING: The Washington State Senate has voted for initiatives to (1) ban a state income tax, (2) require public schools to notify parents of a child’s gender transition, and (3) restore police pursuits, which had previously been restricted.

The pendulum is swinging rightward.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

The Seized Assets Page on Treasury dot Gov is now 2453 PAGES!!!!

Make sure to save and share this link...

These are the SEIZED ASSETS since President Trump signed the Executive Order in December 2017 that if anyone was involved in Human Trafficking or Corruption, their ASSETS WOULD BE SEIZED.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Dictator Trudeau's War on Canadians Surviving Winter Continues...

"Health Canada has now added portable electric heaters as a hazardous consumer product because they can “pose a danger to human health or safety.” Canadian officials are looking for sufficient “information” from a variety of stakeholders on the use of popular portable electric heaters over “safety” issues while attempting to ban the devices despite the fact the government has made heating homes more expensive due to a punitive carbon tax."

You know what I say to that !


Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

NEW - NASA proposes radical plan to fight "climate change" that involves injecting the atmosphere with "ice particles."

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

The Illuminati Nazi World Order: Obama Is Hitler’s Biological Grandson, A Khazar Rothschild

This article is a quick introductory history lesson on how the illegitimate president Barack Obama is Hitler's biological grandson. This is just a sliver of Obamagate and what Trump is up against with the Marxist Socialist Communist Luciferian Ashkenazi Khazarian Globalist Fascist Zionist Jesuit Freemasonic Illuminati Nazi World Order

The family tree demonstrates how Hitler was secretly a Rothschild descendent and therefore also part Jewish (Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionist). Meaning that Barack Obama is also a Rothschild descendent and part Jewish. What's even more interesting is that Obama's real biological father (Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo a.k.a. "Bapak") was the founder of an Indonesian Islamic cult known as Subud which his biological mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) was also a member of

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Hillary Clinton attacked Tucker Carlson for interviewing Vladimir Putin, calling him a “useful idiot” for trying to engage in discourse.

Hillary Clinton tried to improve relationships with Russia and failed miserably.

Was she a useful idiot for the reset button sham?

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Is The Entire Crowdstrike House of Cards About To Collapse?

Even as entire governments attempt furious damage control over Tucker Carlson’s forthcoming interview with Putin, recall that Carlson still has the Julian Assange interview in his back pocket…

As we wait for Tucker's…

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Before you celebrate Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin, just remember that he is an evil dictator who runs a country where an American journalist died last month while in police custody for speaking out against the government.


Never mind, that was actually Zelensky in Ukraine

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

The media’s role should be presenting information to the American people without pushing a censored narrative.

Proud that we have journalists like Tucker.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

What do ordinary Russians think about Tucker Carlson ? : “In my opinion he is the bravest and most courageous American journalist today .”

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Press Release (parody)
If you watch the Tucker Carlson interview today with Putin - you're a white supremacist.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Barbara Walters was applauded for sneaking into Cuba to interview Fidel Castro. Today, Tucker Carlson is being threatened by the highest levels of government for his intrepid, groundbreaking, interview with Vladimir Putin. Why?

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Last I checked Tucker Carlson didn't sell 20% of our uranium to Russia….

He didn't receive $1.5 million for a speech in Moscow..

Oh wait, that’s Bill and Hillary Clinton.. those damn pesky facts strike again..

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

So let me get this straight:

It's perfectly acceptable for pro-genocide CNN to interview the racist psychopath Benjamin Netanyahu, but Tucker Carlson is guilty of treason because he interviewed Vladimir Putin?

Are you kidding me?

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Hillary Clinton says Tucker Carlson is a “useful idiot for Putin.”

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

How to LEGALLY never pay taxes again

How to LEGALLY never pay taxes again (in ten minutes!) - YouTube

My very first Tiktok video!You can get my FREE Contract Killer Course at

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us
How to LEGALLY operate any car, motorcycle, etc without smog, plates, registration or license

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

Be informed that I am exempt from ALL REGULATION mandating face mask (RPD) usage in public.
Based on medical criteria supported by verifiable testing and data, wearing a face mask poses a risk to my health, hygiene and mental well-being.
A standard face mask is not a micron filter and cannot inhibit or prevent bacteria or viruses.
Under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act, September 15, 2010) and HIPAA (Privacy Rule, 45 CFR Part 160 and subparts A & E of Part 164, March 26, 2013), I am NOT required to disclose my medical condition as covered in these confidentiality clauses.
Department of Justice ADA Violation information line: 1-800-514-0301
In accordance with the ADA, organisations, businesses or individuals can be held liable for any injury, inconvenience, loss of income, death or psychological distress pending legal
proceedings citing consequential detrimental acts, effects, events or developments.

Violations to rights under the ADA are subjec

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us

The Birth Certificate is an unrevealed "Trust Instrument"
They Don’t Teach This in School

The Birth Certificate is an unrevealed "Trust Instrument" originally designed for the children of the newly freed black slaves after the 14th Amendment.

The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust is an account you inherited due to the bankruptcy of the U.S. in 1933 and the subsequent ceasing of all the citizens gold, silver and other assets as collateral. This account contains millions of dollars in your name. The only problem is that the government and legal system failed to inform you about it and how to access your money. In the meantime, they are drawing down on it for their own personal use and as payment to the Vatican and the English crown.

“Our problem is that we have been kept ignorant as to what we can do, other than just complain.

But, I am telling you we have discovered how to access your Social Security Number Trust”


To cover the debt in 1933 and future de

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us