Thee American N..
@TheeAmericanNationality#wwg1wga #greatawakening #savethechildren #takebackourcountry Colorado

Bondservant Mar..
@BondservantmarkA New Creation, Conspiracy Realist, ICU/ER RN. Are U grafted in the Tree of Life or still part of the tree of the Knowle...

Cheryl Riley
@trumpbirdGod loving wife, mom, & grandma. Cancer survivor. God healed me to see the Great Awakening happen! Trump supporter &...

John Qpublic
@JamesbridgebuilderLove can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to j...

Kevin Robert
@KevinRobert1776Booted From Facebook & Twitter | 29 year old, Constitutional, Trump Supporting, Patriot | 2nd Amendment ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ |...

Andrew Crook
@andrewcookI'm a Food service manager and a proud American patriot, love baseball and dogs.

Detective RedPa..
@RealPersonJedi🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 [https://www.navair.navy.mil/foia/docume...

Patricia Curing..
@PattiI'm here because I'm a believer. God, country, Q the Plan and family. Save the children! I follow all

Cord Archangel
@CordlesssssMany here are bots. I'm as real as it gets as seen here. https://anonup.com/thread/1669217

Trump Train
@trumptrainofficialTrumpTrain Official Dedicated to the 45th President of the United States and the People of his Movement 🇺🇸

TheBob WhoKnew
@TheBobWhoKnewJesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6 The B...

QPatriot17 #WWG..
@QPatriot17Make Free #Bitcoin Hourly: https://freebitco.in/?r=3013476 Telegram: https://t.me/QPatriot17

Christopher Smi..
@blessedpatriotUnapologetic Conservative from Cedar Rapids, IA who loves GOD, country, President Trump, & Patriots.

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more