Trump Train
@trumptrainofficialTrumpTrain Official Dedicated to the 45th President of the United States and the People of his Movement 🇺🇸
r363l l10n
@r363ll10n🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reaso...
Angels Here -Z
@SirHuckleberryNana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Hope Always888
@HopeAlways888I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, ...
Patti Asberry
@PGAblessedA True Patriot. God, Family & Country. Mother, Wife, Daughter. We stand for the American Flag.
Patriot Jim
@Patriot_JimFierce defender of Truth, Justice and the American Way. Husband, father and proud Pop-pop. Patriotic to the core. WWG1WG...
Enchanted Merma..
@CyberfriendPatriot, Anon, Writer, Empath, Starseed, digital soldier, love all things "Q". WWG1WGA-GOD WINS
Common Sense An..
@lookcommonsenseStarseed-Lightworker-Empath I follow Jesus/Yeshua TEXAN And Retired farmer, Grandma, Trump is my PRESIDENT - PROUD TO BE...
Nikki TrumpTrai..
@WeRTheNewsGrateful for Trump and his wonderful family! Thanking God for all our blessings! Not sure if I'm Rep. or Patriot? J...
Christopher Smi..
@blessedpatriotUnapologetic Conservative from Cedar Rapids, IA who loves GOD, country, President Trump, & Patriots.
LanieLou _MAGAD..
@LanieLou_MAGADonianDigital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on ...
Jeo Joanna
@JeojoannaTrue patriot and I will surely stand for the truth ,@ stand and rise for the future
Mighty Geeks
@MightyGeeksBanned on multiple platforms. Love God/Family/Country to the core. Save The Children. Lifelong Geek. Awake 25+ years. Al...
FisFPatriot Kal..
@FisFPatriotA small Group of people from Finland fighting for Mankind and freedom of speach!We have a radioshow"fishradio"...
Tim Larlee
@timlarMedicinal mushrooms seller and wholesaler. Naturopathy. Wild medicinal plants. Intuitive, wwg1wga
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more