SAR 1776Q
1 year ago

SAR 1776Q

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Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

🚨🚨 May 11 2023 DBL HDR - Juan w/ Delora OBrien & Joey Gilbert > Breaking News + There IS A Plan

* Juan At Mar-A-Lago * Major High-Level Agreements We're Just Negotiated Behind The Scenes > An Esther Flip Happened * Biden Is Cornered > Two Cabal Factions Will Now Battle Each Other * There IS A Strategy > There IS A Plan * Do People Really Think The U.S. Can Survive Another 18 Months > MIL / Law Enforcement Action Must Happen Before Then (Hint Hint) *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

🚨🚨 May 11 2023 DBL HDR - Juan w/ Delora OBrien & Joey Gilbert > Breaking News + There IS A Plan

* Juan At Mar-A-Lago * Major High-Level Agreements We're Just Negotiated Behind The Scenes > An Esther Flip Happened * Biden Is Cornered > Two Cabal Factions Will Now Battle Each Other * There IS A Strategy > There IS A Plan * Do People Really Think The U.S. Can Survive Another 18 Months > MIL / Law Enforcement Action Must Happen Before Then (Hint Hint) *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

💥 Apr 15 2023 - Derek Johnson w/ TruthStream > Tribunals Start This Summer Derek Will Be At GITMO

* MIL Tribunals Expected To Begin This Summer * Derek Contracted With Radio Station To Report Live From GITMO During Trials *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

🚨 Apr 16 2023 Double Header - Juan O Savin w/ Lewis Herms + Michael Jaco > Breaking News +++

* FOIA Reveals Multiple High Ranking Federal Officials Do Not Have Required Notarized Oath Of Office Files On Record > Without Oaths On File All Actions By Those Officials Are Legally Null And Void * Juan Personally Knows 4 Intelligence Assets Now Being Called In To Sit For Classified Tribunals * Trump Re-Truths A Post About George Soros Being Executed * Juan Recently In Private Meetings With Multiple Prime Ministers And Presidents *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

✝️🔥🇺🇸 Feb 19 2023 - REVIVAL > God Wins

LIVE: Asbury University Revival

* Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

💥 Feb 4 2023 - Juan O Savin w/ Nino > CCP Spy Balloon Assessing US MIL Command & Response Behavior

* CCP Trying To Assess Who's Really Running The Show [In Control] In The U.S. * US MIL Was Already Tracking Balloon Before Approach To Alaska * Space Force Was Likely Tracking CCP Data Collection In Return * The [Deep State] Is Trying To Provoke A Kinetic World War *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

While You Were Distracted With Balloons

FEB 3 2023 - DOD DIRECTIVE 5105.76

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Remember that one time... 🤔🧐

When President Trump declared a National Emergency, that has never been rescinded, and NORAD went on lockdown.

Yeah... that was awesome. 😎

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Remember that one time... 🤔🧐

When President Trump declared a National Emergency, that has never been rescinded, and NORAD went on lockdown.

Yeah... that was awesome. 😎

Mar 13 2020 - Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak

Guide to Continuity of Government

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Remember that one time... 🤔🧐

When President Trump declared a National Emergency, that has never been rescinded, and NORAD went on lockdown.

Yeah... that was awesome. 😎

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Remember that one time... 🤔🧐

When President Trump declared a National Emergency, that has never been rescinded, and NORAD went on lockdown.

Yeah... that was awesome. 😎

Mar 13 2020 - Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak

Guide to Continuity of Government

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

While You Were Distracted With Balloons

FEB 3 2023 - DOD DIRECTIVE 5105.76

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

💥 Feb 4 2023 - Juan O Savin w/ Nino > CCP Spy Balloon Assessing US MIL Command & Response Behavior

* CCP Trying To Assess Who's Really Running The Show [In Control] In The U.S. * US MIL Was Already Tracking Balloon Before Approach To Alaska * Space Force Was Likely Tracking CCP Data Collection In Return * The [Deep State] Is Trying To Provoke A Kinetic World War *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

⚔️ 🇺🇸 🦅 Jan 11 2023 - Juan O Savin w/ Nino > There IS A Plan, It's Not Hopeless

* The Tide Already Turned A Couple Of Months Ago * Not All The Players You Think Are Going To Make 'The Move' Are The One * You Can't Take This Multi-Level Chess Game At Face Value *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

⚔️ 🇺🇸 🦅 Jan 11 2023 - Juan O Savin w/ Nino > There IS A Plan, It's Not Hopeless

* The Tide Already Turned A Couple Of Months Ago * Not All The Players You Think Are Going To Make 'The Move' Are The One * You Can't Take This Multi-Level Chess Game At Face Value *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

1.07.23 - Patriots In Control > You Are Watching A Movie

* You Have More Than You Know *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

1.07.23 - Patriots In Control > You Are Watching A Movie

* You Have More Than You Know *

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Washington / Durham Boat on CHRISTMAS DAY 1776
Q 3800

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸


Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸


Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Dec 30 2022 - George News on TG

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Dec 30 2022 - Trending On Twitter > Accounts Posting Andrew Tate’s Arrest Is “Pizzagate”

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Dec 30 2022 - Malik Obama > Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama's Brother

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Dec 30 2022 - George News on TG

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸

Dec 30 2022 - Trending On Twitter > Accounts Posting Andrew Tate’s Arrest Is “Pizzagate”