流弾_ _JP
3 years ago

流弾_ _JP

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Election Fraud - The People Involved

Mark Zuckerberg
Jack Dorsey
Susan Wojcicki
Bill Gates
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Mike Pence
Bill Barr
Mark Esper
Chris Krebs
George Soros
Hilary Clinton
Barack Obama
Chief Justice Roberts
Mitch McConnell
Nancy Pelosi
Eric Coomer
Brian Kemp
Brad Raffensperger
Gabriel Sterling
Gretchen Whitmer
Jocelyn Benson

Crime committed: Treason

Penalty if convicted: Death by firing squad

If, as Kirby's tweet impies, they have the information they were looking for, then they don't need the routers, either.

The requests for passwords and routers are for the sake of optics. They want the public to know the Board of Supervisors was given an opportunity to come clean. (Notice that the requests and replies are immediately made public.)

Continued attempts by the Board of Supervisors to hide election data, the media's attempts to discredit the audit, and the DOJ's threat to interfere in the audit all point to the Senate being in control of the process.

Judging by the tone and content of messaging by the Senate leadership, it seems they already have enough information to know the likely outcome of the audit.

Speculation On the Maricopa Audit

AZ Vice Chair Pam Kirby's tweet tonight (several posts prior ⬆️ ) is very telling. Kirby said the Maricopa Board of Supervisors should assume the auditors have what they need. Her comments suggest that the Senate's requests are merely an opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to get on the right side of this issue.

Somehow, they got the information they needed. Now, they're offering the Board of Supervisors one last chance. One last chance for what? To avoid criminal prosecution?

The Board of Supervisors doesn't want to disclose any more information. That's why they had sheriff Penzone write his letter about the routers. But if the Board doesn't provide the items mentioned in the subpoena, they face legal problems.

The auditors and the Senate are in the driver's seat. They don't need the passwords. They know why the county doesn't have them. The County admitted that Dominion serves as the admin for the equipment.

If, as Kirby's twee

BREAKING: IT'S BACK ON! Election Subpoena Battle Between State Senate, Maricopa County Resumes

"Today the attorney for the Arizona Senate President once again threatened the Board of Supervisors with subpoenas to compel us to come to the Senate and explain what we have already made clear. The physical routers commanded in the January subpoenas route network traffic across 50 different County departments, not just the Elections Department. Those routers contain some information that is confidential; some is related to classified law enforcement activities; and access to this map of the County network could potentially allow someone to intercept sensitive data entrusted to us.

In addition to these concerns, we have learned providing the physical routers will cripple County operations and cost as much as $6 million if we must replace the routers while the Cyber Ninjas have them. We explored providing virtual images of the routers, but the security issues mentioned above remain th


Documents obtained by the US State Department reveal Chinese military scientists discussed the weaponisation of SARS coronaviruses five years before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Top scientists outlined their ideas in the document predicting a third world war would be fought with biological weapons.


Out of control China rocket live tracking Long March 5B Rocket debris | تتبع مسار الصاروخ الصيني - YouTube

Out-of-control Chinese rocket is falling back on earth this weekendBig Chinese rocket segment set to fall to EarthDebris from a Chinese rocket is expected to...

🚨🚨AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett: Dominion Refuses to Comply with Subpoena and Turn Over Password to Their Maricopa County Machines

● The Maricopa County Election Board claimed this week they do not have ‘Admin’ access to their county’s voting machines.

● If this is the case, then the County did not own the election process they ceded it to their external vendor.

● Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett Said in an interview with OAN that Dominion is refusing to comply with the State Senate’s subpoena and is hiding the second password for their machines.

● Dominion was in charge of the Maricopa County election. And now they are refusing to cooperated with a subpoena.

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

At 6:31 in the morning on November 4th, a dump of 149,772 votes came in to the State of Michigan. Biden received 96% of those votes and the State miraculously went to him. Has the Michigan State Senate started their review of the Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 yet, or are they about to start? If not, they should be run out of office. Likewise, at 3:42 in the morning, a dump of 143,379 votes came in to the state of Wisconsin, also miraculously, given to Biden. Where did these “votes” come from? Both were State Election changing events, and that is on top of the other corruption without even including the fact that neither state got Legislative approval, which is required under the United States Constitution.


Listen very carefully

🚨 JUST IN - Dr. Charles Lieber - CCP - Arrested. 50K a month plus living expenses and 1.5 million dollars in payment. US scientist who worked for the Gates-Rockefeller-Foundation and Wuhan laboratory.

Happy Friday lovely Deplorables!🌞🌅😎🇺🇸💗

❓How can you help fight THE BIG LIE today?

❗️Sign the recall Hobbs (https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/1611) petition and share the info with a friend.

❗️Take a minute to write the AZ legislature (https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/1521). We need them to extend their session to fix the problems revealed by the audit. Fill out this AZ Legislature 2021 Session End Date Survey (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSLKzGtUg3vIXvMxISeLeC-llpZRdgmB8NTIQx_KmV18H5Xg/viewform).

❗️Help the AZ audit fill 200 new positions and double it’s pace: signup to volunteer (https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/1608).

❗️Take a few minutes to support Michigan. Write the Michigan Senators (https://t.me/MichiganConservatives/243) to demand a full forensic audit of the 2020 election. As you remember, we had to write the Arizona Senate EVERYDAY for months to get the audit in Maricopa. We’ve made it easy, just copy and paste:🔗Learn more (https://t.me/M

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The Federal Election Commission in Washington, D.C., has totally dropped the phony case against me concerning payments to women relative to the 2016 Presidential Election. It was a case built on lies from Michael Cohen, a corrupt and convicted lawyer, a lawyer in fact who was so corrupt he was sentenced to three years in jail for lying to Congress and many other things having nothing to do with me. I thank the Commission for their decision, ending this chapter of Fake News. Between two sleazebag lawyers, Michael Avenatti and Michael Cohen, we were all able to witness law and justice in our Country at its lowest!

PROTECT OUR KIDS - Melinda Gates 'cautioned Bill about Jeffrey Epstein after she met the pedophile at his Manhattan mansion in 2013' and told him she 'wanted nothing more to do with him'

Stefanik: Twitter ONLY censors conservatives!

Twitter says that the GOP Communications Director's account was suspended "in error" and they have reinstated the account. Stefanik asked:

"Why does this ONLY happen to conservatives?! Absolutely outrageous. Because Big Tech is corrupt. That's why."

The Communications Director for Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is poised to replace representative Liz Cheney as the new House GOP conference chair and was backed by Donald Trump.

Does Big Tech unfairly target conservatives?

Self-Censoring: Twitter WANTS YOU to be Civil?

Twitter is formally rolling out a new reply feature meant to curb "harmful or offensive" language by making the user aware that what they're saying isn't very nice.

This feature is an extension of the "do you want to read this article before retweeting it" prompt Twitter recently added as part of the company's overall "healthy conversation" effort.

This new "self-censor" feature uses algorithms to detect harmful or offensive language and uses a prompt to ask the user to review their reply before posting, pointing out that their response could be considered hateful.

Twitter has found that after receiving the prompt, 34% of people revisited their initial "hateful" reply or decided not to send the reply at all. 11% opted to use less "offensive" language.

Could self-censorship on Twitter actually work?

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Congratulations to the great Patriots of Windham, New Hampshire for their incredible fight to seek out the truth on the massive Election Fraud which took place in New Hampshire and the 2020 Presidential Election. The spirit for transparency and justice is being displayed all over the Country by media outlets which do not represent Fake News. People are watching in droves as these Patriots work tirelessly to reveal the real facts of the most tainted and corrupt Election in American history. Congratulations Windham—look forward to seeing the results.

The Violet Ray was originally developed by the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. Tesla coil violet ray technology creates ozone penetrating the skin, can act as a disinfectant in the cells of the body. Research found ozone kills CoVid19 in the cells. A form of light disinfectant. Tesla was successfully experimenting on disease and rejuvenation with ozone in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In the 20s and 30s, Oxygen-Zone Therapy was used in hospitals, clinics and sanitariums. In the second half of the 20th century, pharmaceutical companies started disparaging all electro-therapies as drug-oriented medicine was taking off under the Flexner Report which banned everything from being taught in Medical Schools besides deadly allopathy`.


Way to hold the line, Arizona & friends from other states.

The AIRC (Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission) held a meeting 4/27 & we joined together with others to email and make our voices heard against AIRC's consideration of hiring the company Haystaq, which is an Obama and Bernie Data Company (see old post here: https://t.me/ArizonaRedRoots/745).

Yesterday morning, the AIRC held a meeting & REJECTED Haystaq & SELECTED Timmons Group (close vote) for the mapping consultant, which is the selection we wanted. Redistricting makes up the lines that will be used for the next decade for our Congressional & Legislative Districts.

If you would like to learn more about the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission & what they do, check out their website. Their Glossary section has great information & explains Reapportionment, Redistricting & more.

🚀速報 - 国防総省は、制御不能となった中国の大型ロケットを追跡しており、今週末に地球の大気圏に再突入する予定で、その破片がどこに衝突するか懸念されていると発表しました。


🚀BREAKING - The Pentagon has said it is tracking a large Chinese rocket that is out of control and set to reenter Earth's atmosphere this weekend, raising concerns about where its debris may make impact.

The Chinese Long March 5B rocket is expected to enter Earth's atmosphere "around May 8," according to a statement from Defense Department spokesperson Mike Howard.