Rusty Parker
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I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!

Blaze Media, [19.05.21 22:14]
Mob of pro-Palestinian thugs ask LA diners if any of them are 'Jews,' witness says. Then mob beats up two Jewish men.
Mob of pro-Palestinian thugs ask LA diners if any of them are 'Jews,' witness says. Then mob beats up two Jewish men. - TheBlaze
A pair of Jewish men dining outside a Los Angeles restaurant Tuesday night were allegedly attacked by members of a pro-Palestinian caravan driving through the area, KTLA-TV reported. What are the details? The incident took place just before 10 p.m. outside Sushi Fumi on North La..
I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!
Our GOD given country needs to wake up and stand against the powers that are trying to take us down! We can do anything with Christ Jesus and may he guide us all with his power! May he place Trump back into his rightful position and recover this Nation once again but this time the enemy will be taken down!!!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!
The widow of time is at hand and a new day is coming. Keep your eyes on GOD not the man. GOD will open his window of time and a fresh anointing will blow through this window onto Trump. He will be empowered from on high like never before and you will see the hand of GOD leading Trump into the darkness and scattering the darkness from the North, South, East, and West. There is a new day dawning!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!
You know something? There was another Man that Loved loved this world and it's Good people. He was also ridiculed mocked, spat upon, cursed and abused by his own people. That man is Jesus and he is the mighty Lion that will save this planet.
Trump will Trump and he is blazing the trail for GOD's NWO!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!
Lies and decpetion: the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid.
This is what the left has been manipulating for 40 plus years.
I rembember when prayer was taken out of the schools in the 1960's this was the beginning of many sorrows.
But just remember the hand of our father GOD is resting upon us and he WILL previl!
Prevail definition is - to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : triumph.

I am a proud American and devoted to my GOD and country!!
If we all knew the day or the hour that things would take place, it wouldn't be a supprise to us or the enemy. Iknow there is a plan and it will come to pass when you least expect it. We all are a strong and mighty entity that will preveil against the true enemy's of this world. Justice is like a small ember in a pile of ashe from the outside it seams like all the fire has ceased, but underneath all that ashe there is a bright ember that is glowing and the winds of change is blowing. This ember is about to erupt into the hotest fire we have ever seen and it will purge all the impurities that h