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😍😇Everything changes around us, because a new world is being born. There is no reason to be disappointed. It is enough to see that beside the afflictions great hopes flourish. The Earth has matured in its evolutionary process and the laws of God are fulfilled in spite of human incomprehension.

the transformation process that culminated in the two World Wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 began. This latest conflagration accelerated, as we are seeing, the evolutionary process, opening up new perspectives in all directions of earthly progress. Wars and revolutions are social cataclysms destroying archaic structures so that new structures can emerge. Many people ask where the world is going, with so many conflicts and imbalances. But are there any profound changes without profound upheavals? Those who despair at the problems of today do not attain the real meaning of events. Spiritism offers us the key to the enigma.

by Emmanuel, referring to the transition phase from the pagan world to the Christian world, can establish a valuable parallel. The current phase is more intense, because it is more advanced. We are now moving decisively towards the millennium of regeneration of earthly humanity. Multitudes of spirits are reincarnated in an emergency regime, as Emmanuel explains, submitting, so to speak, to the last exams of adaptation to the higher education they must take. This confirms the spiritist theory of the evolution of the worlds. More than a hundred years ago Kardec published the teaching of the Spirits about it, announcing that the preparatory phase of the great transition had already started in the last century. From then on, from the War of Italy (1859-1860),