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Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
ONE: Understand their motivation.
They hate you.
They hate you because you are of God.
They have never known the love of God, ever. The path was their choice. Nothing is ever forced. You must willingly give yourself. They did. Now they can never go back.
Since the day they could understand they have been taught to hate you. To use you. They have no empathy, your death is no concern. It is about them. Only the strong survive and you are weak to need God. You must be shown you are nothing if not for God. They rage because they believe you shouldn't be above them. Because of your connection to God you will always be above them. This is what fuels their disgust in you. This is why your suffering brings them such joy. This is why they constantly try to drive you away from the power of God. If you didn't have God you would worship them. Their egos destroy them when you don't. Their egos destroy everything. You will never win. They are sick. There is no cure.

Medicinal mushrooms seller and wholesaler. Naturopathy. Wild medicinal plants. Intuitive, wwg1wga
Some happy things
My dog
The feel of the sun on my face
The sounds of the rain
My favorite meal
My favorite piece of music
Holding our babies
The sounds of the breeze in the trees
Friday afternoons
Your cats purr
Song birds song ( they sing because they are happy)
Prayers from the heart
Nature walks
Finding unexpected money in my pocket i forgot about.
When your boss praises you.
My recovery
Deep soothing restful sleep
My clients are amazing.
The new buds on the trees
The sounds of crickets
Listening to the oceans waves
Children laughing. (anyone laughing actually)
I know Gods love is absolute
The Holy Spirit in my heart and soul
Forgiving someone
Increased peace
Feeling grounded
Feeling centered
Laying in a hay field watching the clouds go by
Hearing an inspiring speaker.
Surrender to God

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
We, as Mothers, fight the good fight....
So our children don't have to.


Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!
The Fed prints money and creates credit, lends it to American Govt with Americans repaying the loans with interest via taxes.
Govt use the money to pay for vaccine development by BigPharma, pays for CDC and NIH costs. Govt indemnifies them all for any vaccine harms.
Now the private owners of The Fed who are major shareholders of these Corporations are using the profits to PAY Americans to take the vaccines while their life insurance nullifies these policies if folks take these EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES.
Conclusion: they don't care about the $40 they give out. The purpose of the vaccine is more valuable than its cost. They don't care about the stinking money they create... its the threat pose by Americans that concerns them more where ALL they have acquired since ANTIQUITY can be taken away!
Those who desire UTMOST control, harbour the most FEAR. They FEAR US: our NUMBERS & our UNITY.