Valentina Pythia
15 minutes ago

Valentina Pythia

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*No DM's*

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

The real TRUTH side needs more people like you on it!!! And much less of those that like to follow and then pretend to be in the know!!!

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

SO much for this side wanting the "Truth" 🙄 I'm glad people are moving away from the left, right and this side!!!😊

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

They give me a headache dealing with them!!

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

And didn't they build their side on that?!?!?! We're not a cult!!! What type of cult lets their members think for theirselves!!! It was some thing like that!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 They all just post and repost crap from their "leaders" and then say that they are "free thinkers" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

In response Par Nelli to her Publication
In response Par Nelli to her Publication

😕This side is no different than the left!!FACT!!😩

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

"Lot's of sketchy people trying to take control now." 🤨🤨🤨The SKETCHY people started this movement!!! 🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

👎This side is nothing but fear porn, lies, fake hope and alot of talk! They like to worship their leaders and turn them into "Gods" also!! 😕The larpers and grifters love preying on and playing with the gullible over here!!😩👎

In response NEYƎͶ Lives to his Publication

😂Hiya Neyen so fine!! 😘

In response NEYƎͶ Lives to his Publication


In response Par Nelli to her Publication

They're all 🤡's!!!😂

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

Did you see the post about Juan and Nino?

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

😍And I'm loving it too!!! 💖

In response Valentina Pythia to her Publication

@IAMChristlight Included!!!

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

Nothing but grifters, larpers and shills here!

In response Nina Patriot to her Publication

DOQ and plenty others should be on that list too!!!


In response Free Bird to her Publication


In response Free Bird to her Publication

I will not Trust anything from DJT!! or anybody that shills for him!!

It's nothing but#LARPERS and#Grifters on the "Q" team!!!👎🤬 For Shame!!!😡😤

In response Nina Patriot to her Publication

👎The psyop is called "Q" and it looks like they are all very desperate to divert attention from people being aware of that now!! 😕

In response Free Bird to her Publication

They're all blinded!! And they're all problems!! And this "Movie" isn't helping any of them!!

In response Par Nelli to her Publication

That's something the DJT and "Q" worshippers need to learn ASAP!!!!😕

In response Doug Anger to his Publication

I think a permanent government shutdown is needed because it's nothing but 🤡's and worthless now!!! 😊

In response Free Bird to her Publication

👎It's disgusting!! This isn't helping any of them including DJT!!! How many people were bused in to his last rally?!?!? I don't believe him for one second!!! He is exactly the same as the others!!!😡

In response Free Bird to her Publication

Why did he block you?!?! This is the latest post from him!!

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

They're all 🤡's!!!!

In response Tracey Weller to her Publication

Same!!! They wasted too much of my life already!! 😕

In response Tracey Weller to her Publication

They're all 🤡's!!!

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

😡"We both loved Hillary Clinton. The only difference is I’m not pretending I never did." RFK Jr. 👇