Terry Grieve
2 years ago

Terry Grieve

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Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

The Original Sin.
Saul A. Boutme.
This video contains all 46 verses containing the word PRIDE King James Version.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Husband On A Long Journey.
Proverbs 7:19 (NIV).
19) My husband is not at home;
he has gone on a long journey.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
"My husband is out of town for a while."
Possibly the oldest line in the book from an adulteress.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Sleep Of Sluggards.
Proverbs 6:9 (NIV).
9) How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Sluggards have no desire to succeed.
They sleep, and rest, and wait, and stall.
The Godly are required to be productive.

For even when we were with you,
we gave you this rule:
“The one who is unwilling to work
shall not eat.”
2 Thessalonians 3:10 (NIV).

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Keep Your Marital Bonds Exclusive.
Proverbs 5:16 (NIV).
16) Should your springs overflow in the streets,
your streams of water in the public squares?
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Your relations with your spouse must be private and exclusive.
Nobody else should have access to them.
Marital virginity is a requirement.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Follow The Wisdom Of Proverbs.
Proverbs 4:2 (NIV).
2) I give you sound learning,
so do not forsake my teaching.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The book of Proverbs provides Wisdom
for traveling the Narrow Path.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Ruin Overtakes The Wicked.
Proverbs 3:25 (NIV).
25) Have no fear of sudden disaster
or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The Narrow Path protects the Righteous.
Destruction engulfs the Wicked.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Adulteress Or Innocence.
Proverbs 2:19 (NIV).
19) None who go to her return
or attain the paths of life.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The adulteress will destroy whatever innocence you possess.
It can never be recovered.
“You shall not commit adultery."
Exodus 20:14

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Proverbs Of Solomon And The Wise.
Proverbs 1:6 (NIV).
6) for understanding proverbs and parables,
the sayings and riddles of the wise.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The book of Proverbs is written
for understanding the precepts
of traveling the Narrow Path.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Noble Wife Is Prepared For Her Marriage.
Proverbs 31:25 (NIV).
25) She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
A wife of noble character has the qualities required
to confidently enhance her marriage.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Denial Of The Adulteress.
Proverbs 30:20 (NIV).
20) “This is the way of an adulterous woman:
She eats and wipes her mouth
and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Denial is a typical human reaction to obvious sin.
We look for ways to justify our behavior.
To the adulterous, cleaning her body washed away her sin.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Unlike Mockers, The Wise Seek Peace.
Proverbs 29:8 (NIV).
8) Mockers stir up a city,
but the wise turn away anger.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Skeptics intentionally foment anger.
The Wise consistently seek civility.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Detestable Prayers.
Proverbs 28:9 (NIV).
9) If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction,
even their prayers are detestable.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Ignored Wisdom spawns ignored prayers.
Grow in Wisdom and draw nearer to God.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Be Civil And Aware.
Proverbs 27:14 (NIV).
14) If anyone loudly blesses their neighbor early in the morning,
it will be taken as a curse.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Being boisterous is always precarious,
especially when bystanders are within earshot.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Fools And Their Addictions.
Proverbs 26:11 (NIV).
11) As a dog returns to its vomit,
so fools repeat their folly.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
It is a gross way to put it, but very true.
Reviving a contained addiction is pathetic and foolish.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Do Not Depend On The Irresponsible.
Proverbs 25:19 (NIV).
19) Like a broken tooth or a lame foot
is reliance on the unfaithful in a time of trouble.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Depend on the Wise and the Godly.
Others could hang you out to dry.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Good Judges Are Impartial.
Proverbs 24:23 (NIV).
23) These also are sayings of the wise:
To show partiality in judging is not good.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Verse 23, and the rest of the chapter,
are possibly not from King Solomon.
Judges must be fair-minded or recused.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Wine Bites And Poisons.
Proverbs 23:32 (NIV).
32) In the end it bites like a snake
and poisons like a viper.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Alcohol, in general,
and wine, in particular,
bites like a poisonous snake.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Adulteress, Fallen Man, Wrath Of God.
Proverbs 22:14 (NIV).
14) The mouth of an adulterous woman is a deep pit;
a man who is under the Lord’s wrath falls into it.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
A fallen man foolishly believes the words of the adulteress.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Violence Of The Wicked.
Proverbs 21:7 (NIV).
7) The violence of the wicked will drag them away,
for they refuse to do what is right.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The evil paths of the Wicked assure their extirpation.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Blameless Lives Of The Righteous.
Proverbs 20:7 (NIV).
7) The righteous lead blameless lives;
blessed are their children after them.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The Narrow Path sharpens the Righteous.
Their children enjoy the fruits of their progress.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Wisdom And Understanding Insure Success.
Proverbs 19:8 (NIV).
8) The one who gets wisdom loves life;
the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The Narrow Path produces success.
Even death brings a great reward for the Christian.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Ears And Heart Of The Wise.
Proverbs 18:15 (NIV).
15) The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge,
for the ears of the wise seek it out.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Hearing, and the other 4 senses, are constantly gathering input for the spirit.
The spirit sifts through the input for valuable information.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Temptations Of A Bribe.
Proverbs 17:8 (NIV).
8) A bribe is seen as a charm by the one who gives it;
they think success will come at every turn.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
A bribe is both illegal and immoral.
The criminal usually over-estimates its' power.
Avoid both sides of a bribe.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Pride: The Original Sin.
Proverbs 16:5 (NIV).
5) The Lord detests all the proud of heart.
Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Pride is the original sin from Satan himself.
Often, it is used to elevate oneself.
I am proud to say that I never commit it.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Constructive Criticism.
Proverbs 15:5 (NIV).
5) A fool spurns a parent’s discipline,
but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The Fool resists constructive criticism.
The Prudent actively address it.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Lips Of The Fool And The Wise.
Proverbs 14:3 (NIV).
3) A fool’s mouth lashes out with pride,
but the lips of the wise protect them.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
The words from the Fool are ignorance.
The words from the Wise are wisdom.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Hope Deferred Versus Longing Fulfilled.
Proverbs 13:12 (NIV).
12) Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Desires are frustrating,
until they are realized
and become our triumphs.
God is good.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Animals And The Wicked.
Proverbs 12:10 (NIV).
10) The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
It is common and normal to safeguard animals.
But, the Wicked have no such propensity.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Animals And The Wicked.
Proverbs 12:10 (NIV).
10) The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
It is common and normal to safeguard animals.
But, the Wicked have no such propensity.

Our goal is to have a worldwide group of Godly people to read daily the Proverb of the DATE. https://proverbs.club/goal-of-proverbs-club

Welcome To Proverbs Club.
Trusting In People Is Transitory.
Proverbs 11:7 (NIV).
7) Hopes placed in mortals die with them;
all the promise of their power comes to nothing.
Proverbs Club Commentary.
Seek the Kingdom of God instead of trusting in others.
People will often fail you.
God is trustworthy and wants to bless you.