Nudus Veritas
4 years ago

Nudus Veritas

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Um, it's not 10:02p either.@anonup

Um, that's not how you spell "replies." And, also, it's not 9:02p on Feb 9. Is this platform from China????@anonup#customerservice#Hello?

How a left-wing medium spins widespread election fraud without investigation.#voterfraud#MAGA#TheGreatAwakening

Project Amistad calls out NYT for ignoring ZUCKERBERG funding of#voterfraud through nonprofits in Chicago & DC.#MAGA#TheGreatAwakening

#connectingdots David Becker runs the nonprofit "Center for Election Innovation & Research," which had 2019 revenue of just over $1m. On Jul 31, 2020, he publishes "Conducting Elections in a Pandemic," which encourages easier mail-in voting and looser court standards. In Sept 2020, Becker's nonprofit gets $50m from ZUCKERBERG. On Nov 8, 2020, Becker is on CBS Face the Nation poking fun at Guiliani and saying there was no proof.#voterfraud#MAGA#TheGreatAwakening

#voterfraud is even broader than Dominion, corrupt secretaries of state, dead voters and unsigned ballots. For ex, what would cause ZUCKERBERG to donate $250m to the nonprofit Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) on Sept 1, 2020? (CTCL posted TOTAL revenue the previous year at $1.4m, which is an increase of 17,857%.) Did CTCL "grants" really go to 95% Democratic cities and counties?#TheGreatAwakening#MAGA

#voterfraud#bigtechcensorship US Dist Court, 10/30/20: "[Massachusetts Secretary of State] Galvin admitted today in Federal court that his office did indeed complain to Twitter about Dr. Shiva’s tweets and that Secretary Galvin did coordinate with the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) to also apply pressure on Twitter to mute Dr. Shiva’s political speech."#MAGA#TheGreatAwakening

As you watch Mike Lindell's ABSOLUTE PROOF documentary of foreign hacking and#voterfraud, take note of the media personalities and so-called news entities that are telling you to MOVE ON, because they are being controlled.#wwg1wga#MAGA#TheGreatAwakening

"The socialists and communists that seek to destroy liberty water the seeds of domestic terror threats daily, but they underestimate the power of Patriots. Instead of turning against each other, we are turning toward each other."#MAGA#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#nudusveritas

Marjorie is currently being crucified on The Hill for liking an old tweet. Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe nominates Eric Lander to lead a NEW cabinet-level science department. In 2018, Lander called the racist, sexist James Watson "flawed, but strident."#sixdegreesofepstein#TheGreatAwakening#MAGA

Exactly where are we now in the effort to bring the manufacturing of antibiotics back to the US? We are being distracted.#MAGA

On 6/22/20, pedophile John Weaver says to PBS: "[T]he army of the decent are coming together to oust#Trump and his enablers... he was unfit for office... unfit morally." Read about John and The Lincoln Project here: As of right now, PBS has not removed the episode from here: #TheGreatAwakening#MAGA

So far the only comprehensive in-the-field study on the efficacy of masks to prevent infection from SARS COVID-19 reveals NO STATISTICAL DIFFERENCE in contagion rates. Cloth masks may even contribute to the spread. #TheGreatAwakening

Ahhhh…. DC. Peter Strozk leads the Hillary email investigation at FB-Lie, leads the#RussiaHoax investigation, has an affair with a fellow agent, gets fired for bashing Trump and Trump supporters, publishes a book, sues the DOJ, and now last week his wife is appointed director of enforcement for the Securities & Exchange Commission. #onlyinDC #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #youcantmakethisup

How Peter Strozk feels about the Reddit revolution.#TheGreatAwakening

The Great Reset does not benefit the individual, so it is only possible through the suppression of the mind, body, and spirit of every individual. Since the very foundation of the US government is a list of rights for every individual, The Great Reset is distinctly and dangerously anti-American.#TheGreatAwakening

What happened to the study that revealed masks were ineffective at preventing the spread of coronavirus?#silenced#TheGreatAwakening

Reminiscing about Ben Rhodes and Obama manipulating Americans to pass the terrible#IranDeal. Lying to the press is easy, he said, "They literally know nothing."#hammerandscorecard#runsilentrundeep#FastAndFurious#dirtysquadtricks#TheGreatAwakening

Article of impeachment (lines 25-26): "There, he reiterated FALSE claims that 'we won this election, and we won it by a landslide.'" Does that mean they have to prove the claims are FALSE? And the#voterfraud case sees a courtroom at last?#mikepencetraitor#TheGreatAwakening

"The demonization of President Trump, to this point, has not succeeded in discrediting Donald Trump in the eyes of his supporters. And that is the fault of the demons themselves." #domesticspyagency#TheGreatAwakening#DepartmentofInjustice

It was difficult to believe POTUS had asked the VP to do something illegal. Shame on POTUS, right? Nope. Was "traitor" too harsh? Nope. Is there "leverage" on VP? Yep. #voterfraud#TheGreatAwakening#MAGA

This American is done seeing only what#AmitShah wants us to see. Do your own experience. Acc to G>>GLE, "Hillary Clinton YOUNG" is the 2nd most frequent search???? HAHAHAHAHA! And mysteriously, nothing prompts for "Hillary Clinton HAITI" (Curious how DDG's bar lets you know the cursor's live in a screenshot and#Google's doesn't.) #duckduckgo #TheGreatAwakening

Pre-Election: Hunter Biden of the#BidenCrimeFamily hires Latham & Watkins to represent him in the DOJ Criminal Division. Post-Election: Joe Biden of the#BidenCrimeFamily has appointed a Latham & Watkins attorney to lead the DOJ Criminal Division.#voterfraud#SorosPuppet#TheGreatAwakening Credit to@tuckercarlson