Nikole Day
4 years ago

Nikole Day

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1776 Patriot. Research Junky. Author God has a plan for all of us. We are here to help others as they wake up to the truth. Be Patient.


Who is Steve Mnuchin?

DJT's Sec of the Treasury? One of the most successful Movie Producers in HW? Yes, and Yes.

There are no coincidences. You are watching a movie. Each plot twist is a massive Red Pill for the public. Patriots are in control.

🇨🇦 Alberta Patriot seeking the truth and trusting the plan #WWG1WGA

Remove the mask when you approach me//Truth will prevail//Community Standard repeat offender
-message from Lin Wood

gee this story sounds familiar 💕

arrested... the videos are much better...

Only followers of this user (@PepeLuvzMe) can see their posts

did anyone get a telegram from real Donald Trump stating state of emergency DEF con five? I was half asleep and that message is gone now 😯


it ain't over......buckle up buttercup remain steadfast!!!!

🐇🇺🇸God❤️Family❤️Country🇺🇸🐇 ⏳ITS TIME⌛️


World events taking place:

- DC has turned into a prison system
- The Dutch gov has resigned
- Angela Merkel is stepping down
- Estonias PM is missing
- Italian Gov is collapsing
- ObamaGate is being declassed

But I’m the conspiracy theorist, funny how can it be a conspiracy if it’s true

Actual government D class files from spy gate to Obama gate to Hunter Biden‘s laptop.
Everything is in here and an index.
This is the actual declassified files which means they’re declassified we can share them let’s share the crap out of these cabal satanic bastards.
You can share it as a folder.
Or you can share it as each individual item.

obamagate documents being released

Country girl; Wife; Love God & Love my Country. Believe the truth always comes out & Good wins in the end

Twitter...OH Jack, someone's going to be in trouble:

anyone else see this??

🤬 still makes me angry.