Amy Lloyd
2 years ago

Amy Lloyd

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RIP Lt. Dan. You are loved and missed. ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’”

A local marching band is practicing a couple blocks from my house. They just brought tears to my eyes playing Battle Hymn of the Republic ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธโค๏ธ

A couple months ago, our school board meetings were packed since we were fighting to remove masks from our kids. At tonightโ€™s meeting, there were only a handful of us. Iโ€™m so disappointed.

Wyoming is getting in the game!

Looks like Crazy Liz is scared ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Just wanted to share the beautiful view from my deck this evening. God bless you all!

We were able to go watch my second grader give a classroom presentation today. There were no masks in the entire school. No social distancing either! I wanted to cry because I was so happy things were back to โ€œnormalโ€. I also want to cry because our children had to go through such asinine bull shit for eight long months.

I spent the weekend at an energy healing retreat. It was such a wonderful time. The vibes were amazing!! Today Iโ€™ve had difficulty readjusting to being around low frequency individuals. Talk about a buzz kill!

Good news locally. Some of our prayers were answered and our local schools no longer require masks starting TOMORROW! We still have many battles to fight, but this is one sweet victory!

For the past three weeks, parents in our community have been rising up and letting the school board know weโ€™re over the masks. Yesterday it was announced our Superintendent applied for a mask exemption from the state with out a school board vote. Now weโ€™re waiting for word from the state. Iโ€™m proud of our community for standing up. However, Iโ€™m disappointed because there werw only a handful of parents at last nightโ€™s board meeting. I want parents and community members to remember we need to be continuously involved. One โ€œwinโ€ doesnโ€™t end this. We need our elected officials to know we are watching them and making sure they do what we have elected them to do.

From the George News late night chat on May 7.

This is a letter my aunt sent to our local school board. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปโค๏ธ
6 pictures

The Bollingers have a new Truth About Cancer series. Iโ€™m still trying to get my family to understand the evils of the medical mob.

Fellow Patriots, after the failure of my local school board to follow through and vote to apply for a mask exemption from the state, even though an 80% majority of parents/guardians want a variance, Iโ€™ve decided I need to run for a school noard position in 2022. Any tips and resources to help me out? Iโ€™ve never ran for anything. Iโ€™m taking orders from Gen. Flynn and started at the local level.

Our school board meeting didnโ€™t go as hoped. We had a 4-5 vote o filing for a mask exemption from the state for our district. I did find out 80% of parents/guardians, 75% of district staff want the masks GONE!! That gives me hope for our community. Now, we need to take over the school board.

Heading to our school dist board special session. Theyโ€™re discussing filing for a mask variance with the state health nazi. Iโ€™m confident weโ€™ll get it done. Extra prayers always help ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Is anyone else having more issues than usual getting their words out? I just want to communicate telepathically, but unfortunately, that doesnโ€™t work with everyone.
I would like to send a short email to our local school in support of their decision to apply for a mask variance from the state. The problem is, the words wonโ€™t come out. For now, Iโ€™m putting my message out to the universe telepathically.

Dan on FB

Dan on FB

I know Gordo isnโ€™t as bad as some of the other governors, but weโ€™re sick of this RINO in Wyoming!

In our local school dist, there are 15,000+ students and 2,000ish staff members. Total number of Rona cases this school year: 199 students, 86 staff. The district offices has been told by our Fauci wannabe county health officer that they will not allow the masks to be removed this year โ€œbecause of the risks to students and staffโ€.

I get puzzled looks when I explain to most people that my family has a limited amount of places to consider for our summer trip due to our anti masking and rona testing beliefs. We will not fly or travel to a place that requires such things. Iโ€™ve actually been told weโ€™re โ€œlimiting the experiences our children have and should just put our beliefa aside for that reasonโ€. Thatโ€™s BS! We are teaching our children to stand up for their rights and beliefs, vacation does not change that.

Proud mom moment today. I was asking my 8 y.o. about his favorite and least favorite things about school this year. His school has been pretty amazing at adjustin absurd mandates this year, like allowing him to wear a mask made from mosquito netting without any blow back. Anyway, my son stated that his least favorite part has been the masks. He then told me he wants to to give a speech at school, โ€œTake off the masks! They dont work and are making you sick. We need to fight for our freedom. Our freedom is the most important thing and the masks are taking it away!โ€

My cousin and her husband got married last March in civil service because they were afraid of getting the rona and not being able to make medical decisions for each other if needed. Today they posted their anniversary post on FB along with pics of their rona vaxx cards ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฎ