Michele Cole
@Michjoy72Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Trump supporter!!!

He touched his nose a few times, I wonder if he was tellling us that JFK Jr is alive…

Do you know if it will be televised or where I can watch it?

Does Tucker’s account usually not have a blue verified check on X?

OMG, between this post and VK’s posts, the last 2 days have been very exciting! Truth Prevails! 🙏🇺🇸

What does 11:11 mean again? I forgot and I know it’s something very important. Please let me know, it’s driving me crazy that I can’t remember what it means!

I should know this by now.. Actually, I may have in the past but forgot. What is 11:11 represent in QAnon?

I am in south Tampa but don’t think we will getting it as bad as more north. Be safe!!

I think he was being reserved because he knows a lot of people (Republicans, Dems and Independents) were watching tonight and wanted them to take him very serious.

Most of thise reps are outsourced, many from out of state or country. Also, many work from home and are trained by their computer. They usually don't know what they are doing, esoecially in the beginning. Cheap labor!

I wish I could decode that, I know it means something important.

I wish I could decode that, I know it means something important.

I wish I could decode that, I know it means something important.

I think Hunter Biden would of been off im the jungle!