Melekatoshee Oleak
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♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
Goodmorning beautiful souls ❤️
The words I AM are most powerful. When you put them in Affirmations daily the universe will respond. Don't ever think you are not worthy of anything. Not capable of doing better. Always allow yourself to express yourself. Most important attend YOUR needs first NOT those from others first. Everyone thinks or says you are a burden needs inner work themselfs.
Be the kinda person you want to be today. You are strong to overcome anything.
Sending lots of love, joy, laughter, happiness and blessings beautiful light beings. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
There are stories told throughout worlds.
And the place was a time called ~ America.
To here beckoned ~ demons and devils.
Angels and Gods.
Men, kings in the making, and Goddesses of lore…
Of mortals?
No ~ not a one among them, for the mortals slept.
In this place that happened.
All beginnings and every possible end.
Held like a breath ~ one long eternal moment.
Never before, and never since.
A battle cry to Light that would hold millennium.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
Goodmorning beautiful souls ❤️
Don't match yourself with anyone else. Guru's, People who make videos ect ect. There is alot of disinformation out there. You aren't better then anyone else. You are just you which is a perfect beautiful light being. Shining your light as bright as you can. Standing in your own truth. Be the best versión of you You possibly can starting today.
Love you all and have a blessed day with lots of love, joy, laughter, Happiness, and abundance.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
You are meant to succeed, and failure should feel bad to you. Life is supposed to go well for you—and when it does not— there is something wrong.
But what is wrong is not something that is outside of you over which you have no control. What is wrong is within you, and you do have control.
Taking control is not difficult to do once you understand the basis of who-you-are and the basics of the Law of Attraction and the value of your personal Emotional Guidance System.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
As you continue to shine more brightly, people may be attracted to your light.
If they are unaware of how shine themselves, they may want to ‘borrow’ from you. It is your choice to allow or disallow this.
Part of self-care is setting strong boundaries in a loving way.
Your energetic space is a sacred and priceless gift from The Universe to you.
You are worthy and deserving of maintaining it with love!
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
This video explains it all. How they control us. How they do it. How they achieve it. Everything is one big mind control to fit their needs. Yet they stay unharmed. It starts from day one of your birth. This is how they keep control on both sides. Yes BOTH sides. Including the spiritual ones.
So be VERY carefull who you follow. Use discernment at all time and do NOT believe everything you see and / or read.
False information is everywhere. They don't bring it all at once. It's drops wise. Bits and pieces.
Hate is their alliay. Anger is their friend.
They know we are all One and do anything in their power to hide that from us.
To them we are less then insects.
♌️ Video In The Link Below.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♌️ What Is A Spiritual Narcissist?
Often we associate people who observe their spirituality with a sense of love, compassion and care for humanity. However, did you notice that some spiritual people are quite manipulative and selfish? If you met a person like this you could be dealing with a spiritual narcissist!
Spiritual narcissists are people who use their devoutness to build themselves, even as they destroy those around them. Such manipulators include moral leaders and their followers who command a lot of respect from the masses. Hence, they take something that you believe in, corrupt it, and justify their awkward behavior.
If you are not conscious of such people, they can cause pain and harm to you as they seek their final goals of self-elevation. Sadly, even ex-victims of spiritual narcissists can turn out to be this way if they do not deal with their past scars completely.
♌️ Full article in the link Below.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♌️ How To Heal Your Overactive Third Eye Chakra.
The Third Eye Chakra is one of the seven energy centers in the body, and its constitution can deeply affect physical, psychological, and mental health. Taking care of this chakra will help ensure that you’re living your life to your fullest potential. Feeling out of sorts, or overwhelmed isn’t fun for anyone, and balancing your Third Eye Chakra is a good way to remedy that. If you’ve ever been told that your Third Eye Chakra is overactive, or you find yourself identifying with signs of an overactive Third Eye Chakra, then this article is the one for you.
♌️ Full article in the link Below.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♌️ Negative emotions versus positive emotions.
🕉 Here are 5 facts about negative emotions nobody told you. How to overcome fear, as well as find the blessings within.
🕉 What is the purpose of a negative emotion?
🕉Why do we experience fear?
🕉 Have you been avoiding any situation that will make you experience distress?
🕉 Perhaps you found yourself resisting all negative thoughts because they just don’t make you feel good. In other occasions perhaps you found yourself obsessing and adding to the negative experience of a memory or thought. Why does fear have such a big effect on us?
🕉 Is it because we give it all that power to affect us?
🕉 Is fear alone all that bad?
♌️ Full article in the link Below.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
You must become the keepers of frequency. This means that you not only raise your vibration but you keep it high no matter what.
This is how you can make this frequency accessible to others.
You cannot go around dragging people to 5D. You cannot force humans to awaken and you do not know what their souls have chosen to experience within this lifetime. You cannot violate their free will.
But you can make your life an example that invites others to follow, to partake in your beautiful experience, to share your wisdom, and to find peace in yours.
Do not believe what the media tells you. Not for a moment. Turn off your TVs and spend more time with Mother Nature.
Sit under a tree, breathe deeply, and know that all is divine order.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
The dark forces have always used holographic inserts, staged events, and all kinds of trickery supported by the mainstream media outlets that they own and control to create a reality for you that would bind you to their magic spells. Literally.
Do not buy any more tickets to this show.
Be peaceful, be kind, be compassionate, and be patient.
If you have trained yourself and evolved in the past years, now is the time to put your loving talents to work.
Many are in fear right now. They need your stability and loving support.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
As usual, things are not as they might appear at first glance.
It is so easy to be dragged down into worry and despair about the events on our planet. This fear should not be your "place of residence"...
The dark forces are trying everything to regain their power and they will stop at nothing. Everything is designed to keep you stuck in the 3D matrix construct of fear and control.
And yet it is crucial for your own good and specifically for your ascension vibes to keep vibrating higher.
If you succeed in raising your frequency and keeping it you will quickly see that beyond the lies and web of illusions.
You can imagine it like a puppet theater in which actors play different parts. Some are the bad guys and others pretend to be the good guys while the actual good ones are absent from the scene.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
Goodmorning beautiful souls ❤️
Start living from the heart. Be heart centered at all times. Let go of lógic, fear, the phrases "that doesn't make sense", worry, and greed. Those are all programs. The left Hemisphere. The left side of your brain. Just surrender and open your mind. Anything is possible. We have to unlearn everything what we have learned. The only way we can do that is being heart centered and open minded.
Have a blessfull day with lots of love, joy, laughter, Happiness and abundance dear light beings
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Love you all!!
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
Your personal passion to radically serve humanity's ascension is mirrored in our own collective desire to wholly support you in this lifetime. With your invitation, we are here to mentor you in a modern mystery school curriculum for embodying the sovereignty of your higher self as an initiator for the next golden age of miracles.✨
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
This has got to be a joke. Hospitals using invectemin on vaccinated people who have Covid. I smell panic 😉
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
- 9/11 was a lie. It was not the Middle East that attacked us. It was our own country. The deep states military industrial complex
- “I don’t know where George Bush 43 is, but I got an idea where 41 is” (GITMO Ave)
- “when the truth comes out, I suspect old George Bush 43 is going to be glad that he’s either in GITMO or he’s already been shot by a firing squad, because he was involved in killing over 2,800 Americans…”
- Twin towers were the cover for Tower 7, where the records where kept for the Trillions of dollars that went “missing”.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
Stepping out of your dark well of despair and into the light may seem painful at first…too bright, too much, too soon.
But, once you are breathing the honey-tasting air and love is all around you, you will wonder why you ever doubted stepping out at all.
The first time you reach your arms out to touch the sky.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
Release the word “achieve” or “earn” from your vocabulary and from your understanding, al together, and replace those words with the word “allow”.
You’re wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It’s not something that you need to earn.
All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it.
It isn’t something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️
Goodmorning beautiful souls ❤️
We are born into a world where we care too much about what other people think of us. We live according a certain status quo. We all need the need to be accepted by others. To fit in. To have status because we have a perfect home, nice car, a good job ect ect ect.
Those are programs. You are all beautiful just the way you are. Whether that is with a perfect home, nice car and good job or not. You are who you are and that is perfect, beautiful light beings
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Shine your light today as bright as you can. Most of all be yourself. What others may think of you or not doesn't devine you.
Love you all a bunch!!
♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️