Maze Master
2 years ago

Maze Master

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Hello everybody, I'm back. I don't have bots and made up followers. Just 26 good anons I can talk to. Guess what? I have been following Q since February 2018 and now I am loving it because I always thought the drops applied mostly then. Now I know the timing is for now. Welcome to the great awakening. Just remember Jesus talked about Lot's wife. Don't look back, but look to the future of God's kingdom and revival. Help lead the one's lied to who will be sick and dying to salvation. Above all pray and study God's word.

WTF George Wall@ce was a Democrat. How about that? Was he buds with Brandon, Let's Go? Hmmmm....

This will expose the Big Lie. Hello 👋 Mr. Nuremberg. God wins!

This one is interesting. ???

I can't wait to get my in home test to make sure my cat doesn't have COVID, omicron, alpha, or beta in his ass. I love my kitty.

odd: the 500 million home tests are rolling out about the same time 5G is coming online. I wonder why?

The battle of Ai in Joshua 8:1-29 gives us an indication of todays events. DJT is portrayed by Joshua whom the king of Ai pursued the Israelites into battle away from his city to the north. When Joshua raised his javelin (trump card) the ambush took place by 5000 Israelites hiding from the west (military white hats) who set fire to the city, attacked the Ai from the rear, trapped them, and killed them all and captured the king of Ai who was hanged. (Nuremberg) God wins! Amen.

Pedo-island... What may have happened? Elites get invited. Elites show up to satanic ritual. Then they are treated to fantasies with underage children while being filmed. Then the elites cells are harvested for cloning. The children are then used for adrenochrome. The adrenochrome is used to accelerate the above mentioned clones ageing process to the desired age and then maintain the clones' status. Did Epstein's clone take his place in the cell? Ghislaine knows all. Blackmail + clone = $$$

what good is herd immunity if the vaccinated can give covid to the vaccinated?

106,800 fans shoulder to shoulder with NO masks, yet the school boards want your children to wear a mask all day at school with 20 other kids 6 feet apart.

TOTO: revealed wizard of oz by pulling back the curtain while Dorothy, tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion were horrified by the illusion. TOTO: Take Out The Old, and/or Take Over to Temperary Operation (military). TOTO also was a pop group that had their first big hit "Hold the Line" released on October 15, 1978.

Check it out: If you had the vaxx, get sick and go to the hospital, diagnosis pre-existing conditions. If no vaxx, COVID on faulty PCR test. Oh yeah, good luck meeting deductible on Obamacare.

So the taliban fighting with 50 cal machine guns mounted in the back of toyota pickups defeated the greatest army in the world. Why?

MBBW (My Butt's Been Wiped) joe is going to hunt down those Afghan antifa and make them pay.

And the Dems/RINOS tried to impeach 45 over a fookin' phone call. WTF Down is up! No wars for 4 years, now this in 8 months + we armed them and they are killing us with OUR weapons and who knows how many of these terrorists are here on American soil now.

Question: How many of the vaccines in the past have had BREAKTHROUGH cases caused by the nonvaxinated?

Question: How many boosters (original vaxx) does it take to produce antibodies for COVID and why don't they test the vaccinated for the antibodies before they get the [BOOSTER]?

Question: What is in the booster shot? Also, why doesn't each brand have their separate version of the booster? How is it that the vaxx doesn't last but a few months?

Earpiece Joe calling out selected MSM reporters who read questions on their phones, then gets the earpiece answer trying to blame Trump. How stupid do you think we are?

Transhumanism=vaxx+5G+computer technology. Climate change=windmills+solar+hydro to keep computers running 4ever. slaves....

The local news is reporting on cronic fatigue syndrom saying if you don't want to have the symptoms get vaxxed. LOL just the opposite. lies...

Dr. Stephen Hoge head of R&D at Maderna wasn't asked by Maria B. if the delta variant has been isolated. Why??

There is no more election fraud in Afghanistan.

Question: Which is worse, transhumanism or remdesivir?

Question: Why are we sending troups to Afghanistan to parachute in to get our troops out when at the same time we are letting these terrorists flood in with the immigrants at the open southern borders?

Why is there a surge in COV id cases when the PCR test is invalid and there is no Certified Reference Material?


hospital + remdesivir + respirator + morphine =☠️
How many at home deaths?

Question: Where are the COVID death numbers on the illegals at the border? There must be thousands by now. What about the PCR results? Where are their masks? Congressmen have to wear them. So where are the illegals with COVID going? Our hospitals must have records. Are iillegals exempt from the vaccine, or does that fall under Nourembourg laws? The truth is near.

What if these nanofibers in the PCR test swab make the COVID 19 test positive? Just sayin'.