Marky Mark001
3 years ago

Marky Mark001

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How much desperation and fear must these corrupt people be experiencing? They know the enemy is stalking them as they huddle aroung the campfire telling each other there is no beast to fear. That they have stolen an election and no consequences can reach them? They impeach the shadows, They jump and tremble when the branches rusttle in the darkness. "Surley we have destroyed him? Surely if we just cancel him forever we are safe? Yet really they know "Nothing can stop what is coming, Nothing." Every time the word Treason is heard they grasp at their throats and swallowing becomes impossible.

This is why we are constantly being called to hold the line at this time.. No calls to protest Election fraud in the streets, no hateful rhetoric such as fuels every aspect of the leftist agenda,.. just patience and trust in the Q Military plan that has unfolded precisely as predicted, yet does not speak of exactly how the mission is going to be completed.
We are no longer in the phase of being asked to do all we can to red pill the brainwashed left. The taking down of our social media accounts that turned platfroms like twitter into leftist echo chambers was forseen.. Now comes the Military

We are now seeing a new phase of the Great Awakening plan unfold and for most of us it truly is not a comfortable experience. Up to now we have been well supported and inspired by the Q posts that have outlined what is to come in extrodinary detail. Now we are in the final phase of the mission. Rigged for silent running. It is out of necessity that we are not being given the information we so desperately desire as to how the final blow comes down.. The Deep State are truly desperate to head off what is coming. Disinformation, feigned weakness and powerlessness is all they are being fed.

Deep state/ RINO/ Dem traitors are now truly trapped & there is no escape.
Their plan to destroy constitutional America has completely failed.
The Military has all the evidence.
Election fraud/ child abuse/ treason/conspiracy/sedition/collusion etc,.
They have it all!
They are now obliged by oath to defend the constitution to conduct military tribunals.
Trump has intentionaly disconnected from the narrative for this phase & has stepped aside (not down) to ensure America understands he has no part to play in the delivery of lethal constitutional Military justice

It was always going to come down to the Military taking control of the evidence and vetoing a totaly corrut Biden presidency.
Deep State cancer is riddled throughout government,.. Courts & Media at all levels
The truth will find its way to the light
Even in such a perverse environment
Declass and complete exposure unfolding
Military justice becomes involved when corrupt government and judiciary fail to follow law and the constitution..
Military oath is to uphold the constitution and protect 'we the people' from threats both foreign and domestic..
Pain and horror await Deep State.

Assange has risked all to help America understand,
that it has become a nation of free range slaves.
Ruled and suppressed by a corrupt, perverted, Deep State/ CCP collaborating political class that includes both Dems and GOP.
It ends soon.. Free Julian.. Reinstate Trump..

The Deep State are in deep panic
They are flushed out & identified
Their crimes are well documented
They wanted to cripple America & deliver it to their Globalist Cabal masters
Election fraud, treason, conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected president
Media collusion with Americas enemies, both internal and external
The military has all the evidence
Yet we must be patient as it plays out
All that has been asked is that we hold the line and not place ourselves in harms way
Rest now patriots
Military Vows made to protect the constitution and we the people are being fulfilled as we spea

Voting yes to ratify election fraud = treason
Trump trapped them and exposed them..
Deep state swamp creatures, Dems and RINOs..
Showing their contempt for the constitution
Showing their contempt for the will of all the voters that they "cancelled"
Have they won?
Not at all,
The Storm approaches

N.T. quote,
"having done all, to stand"
Trump followed the law to it's natural end
Beyond the end of law by consent and compliance lays the mighty , constitution devoted U.S. military
The very heart of Q patriotism.. The crushing force now dismantling the Deep State Swamp and the CCP collaborators
Will the Military do their sworn duty?
Will they fulfil their oath to defend the constitution as written?
Will they seek out & destroy all threats, both international and domestic?
Yes,.. and yes,. and yes!

Trust the military, they are now both the last line of defense anf the front line o