Marion Cheek
3 years ago

Marion Cheek

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GOD’s FIGHT for the
THIRD Temple —
Our Hearts❣️

“And the LORD appeared to...[His people] and said...I have HEARD thy prayer, and have CHOSEN this place [in your HEART] to MYSELF for an house of sacrifice [‘that ye present your BODIES a LIVING sacrifice, HOLY, acceptable unto GOD’]

“[SO] If I shut up heaven...or if I send PESTILENCE [Disease] among MY people;

“[THEN] If MY people, which are called by MY name, shall HUMBLE themselves, AND PRAY, and SEEK MY face, and TURN from their WICKED WAYS; then will I HEAR from HEAVEN, and will FORGIVE their sin, and will HEAL their LAND [& HEARTS].

“Now MINE eyes shall be OPEN, and MINE ears ATTENT unto the PRAYER that is made in THIS place [your HEART].

“For NOW have I CHOSEN and SANCTIFIED this [MY] HOUSE [made of FLESH - MY HEART Temple, in your HEART], that MY NAME may be there FOR EVER: and MINE EYES [Presence] and MINE HEART shall be [KNIT with your HEART] there PERPETUALLY”❣️ (2 Chronicles 7:12-16; Romans 12:1-2)


⚡️Ancient Alien Theorist🌤
Try to make you believe that fallen angels came up with a successful Angel-Human Hybrid. That is like saying they figured a way to combine fire and water into one cohesive organism.

GOD says in Hebrews 1:7,
HE “made HIS angels SPIRITS, and
HIS ministers a FLAME of FIRE 🔥

Ancient Alien Theorist🌤
Try to make you believe that fallen angels came up with a successful Angel-Human Hybrid. That is like saying they figured a way to combine fire and water into one cohesive organism.

GOD says in Hebrews 1:7,
HE “made HIS angels SPIRITS, and
HIS ministers a FLAME of FIRE 🔥

GOD says (before that) in verses 4-6 & 7,
That HIS Son, Jesus Christ, is the “FIRSTBEGOTTEN” and ONLY TRUE HYBRID to combine Spirit BURNING Fire with Combustible Earth Flesh — THAT JESUS “Being made so much BETTER than the angels, as HE hath by inheritance [BIRTHRIGHT/was born into human family &] obtained a more excellent NAME [achievement] than they [the angels]. 1️⃣
