Lars Kronlob
6 hours ago

Lars Kronlob

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Gentleman from Germany, supporter of President and CIC Donald Trump, publisher, author, counselor for German New Medicine

Gentleman from Germany, supporter of President and CIC Donald Trump, publisher, author, counselor for German New Medicine

The healthcare system (+ prevention and vaccines) was not created to make people healthy, but to harm them, make them dependent on it and earn money off them. Think Rockefeller.

The financial system was not created to make people wealthy, but to make them dependent and exploit them. Think Federal Reserve.

The government was not created to serve the people, but to oppress, control and enslave them. Think Act of 1871 —> USA Inc.

The religious system was not created to help people raise their consciousness and re-connect to the all encompassing field of consciousness (God), but to keep people in fear and away from finding God within themselves. Think Vatican.

All of these systems cannot be improved within the very system that created them. You cannot solve a problem based on the same wrong logic and axioms that created it.

The entire system with all its arms is doomed and cannot be saved. It must be completely destroyed and replaced by something better. Enter Q and the plan.

Gentleman from Germany, supporter of President and CIC Donald Trump, publisher, author, counselor for German New Medicine

Some basics of German New Medicine:

There are no "diseases" (except for obvious external reasons like injuries oder poison), but biological programs initiated by a biological need/conflict.
Whenever we experience "symptoms", our body is in a self-regulating process based on biologial laws.
Our body is either adapting or self-regulating.
Sometimes these processes can be supported by natural medicine, but substances do not "heal", but are only meant to aleviate the process. Hence there are no "anti-cancer" products or substances.
Yes, people can die from "cancer", but this happens either due to a combination of poisoning with "chemo-therapy" and massive fear, causing additional biological conflicts, or they are not able to solve the underlying biological conflict/s.
I am aware that we all know people with cancer or even lost someone, so please do not take this information as disrespectful.

Dr. Melissa Sell did a good introductory video:

German New Medicine | Mindset Shift - YouTube

Fundamental Mindset Shift when learning German New Medicine.

Gentleman from Germany, supporter of President and CIC Donald Trump, publisher, author, counselor for German New Medicine

Since the US are in a state of continuity of government (COG) and thus under martial law due to Trump's executive orders, there can be no officially valid presidential election. The evidence of the 2020 election fraud was presented to all branches of the military, they acknowledged it and declared Donald Trump Commander in Chief.

Possible scenarios:

1. Although the 2020 election was fraudulent and a 2024 election would virtually ignore this, a new election could be staged, either confirming Donald Trump as legitimate president, or military allowing another election fraud by the Deep State, this time shown to everyone.


2. Around November 5th something happens that makes the election obsolete, i.e. (fake) assassination of Trump, fake alien invasion or a major event being used by the White Hat Alliance to initiate a shutdown, followed by a mass arrest of the rest of the Deep State (word is around 300,000 people) and official worldwide martial law.

Let's see what happens.

Gentleman from Germany, supporter of President and CIC Donald Trump, publisher, author, counselor for German New Medicine

This is an introductory post for those who want to know more about me.
I am residing in Bonn, Germany and work as a counselor for German New Medicine according to Dr. Hamer.
Moreover, I am a publisher and author of German language books about German New Medicine, the Q-Plan, the HIV-hoax and other critical books on society.
My book about the German New Medicine is also available in English language (The New Medicine. Understanding Cancer and other biological programs).
I have lots of interests, among them philosophy, literature, motorcycles, archery, snowboarding, Italy, red wine, cooking and timeless fashion.
I consider myself an Anon for more than 25 years now and have studied everything which relates to "conspiracy theories" and the truth about the world we live in, including topics like old world/tartaria, flat earth, 9/11, annunaki/elohim, etc.
My last book (in German language) is called "Der Q-Plan. Die Befreiung der Menschheit", and details can be seen on my website