Kyree Eleison
4 years ago

Kyree Eleison

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About so many things!

Just ❤️ watching best-ever President enjoy himself! He deserves it! 😉

I'm so excited I can do the moonwalk baby!😂😂

If you think we aren't going to come under attack here you got are living in a fairy tale land. Last night on Telegram I experienced the most demonic brute force demonic and disgusting porn attack I've ever seen. 3000k replies with 90% of them beasiality from a dozen in a group attack. The demons will fight, and they will kick and scream. Be prepared, prayed up and mentally ready for battle. Be wise and vigilent, always on guard.


I love this chapter 10. Verse 18 specifically reminds me a lot of this impeachment trial. Who was in control of Jesus death? Jesus. Who's in control of Trump's impeachment? Trump. Sometimes when you are watching a plan unfold, it appears evil is in charge, when it's really not. Every great plan is known for tricking an ememy or two.