Kotryna Zenevičiūtė-Bukevičienė
2 years ago

Kotryna Zenevičiūtė-Bukevičienė

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We were right about Epstein Island.
We were right about the Covid hoax.
We were right about the ineffectiveness of masks.
We were right about the rigged PCR tests.
We were right about the nursing home scandal.
We were right about massively inflated death tolls.
We were right about the origins of C0vid.
We were right about Fauci/NIH/CCP/Gain of function.
We were right about attempted vaccine passports.
We were right about the stolen election on 11/3.
We were right about the false flag on 1/6.
We were right about the jabs being poison.
We were right about the jabs being ineffective.
We were right about an attempted C0mmunist takeover.
We were right about the "Great Reset".
Why are we never wrong?
Why are we never wrong?
Because the TRUTH is our weapon of choice.
We have no ulterior motives.
We fight for the future of humanity.
We are guided by light, love and righteous indignation.

LRT be paliovos demonstruoja, kaip zemai jie gali kristi. Paklausykite pirmaji pusvalandi sio iraso. Keiksmazodziai, agitavimas pradeti Treciaji pasaulini kara, idiotiski "zurnalistu" pasisakymai. Baisu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqRE-dhM8_k&ab_channel=Laisv%C4%97sTV

Laisvė šviečia | Pirma diena | Rusijos ambasados apgultis || Laisvės TV - YouTube

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