CV03 The Corolla Virus™
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CV03 The Corolla Virus™

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CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

It’s time to expose Tractor Supply.

It’s one of the most beloved brands in by conservatives but what do they REALLY stand for under CEO@hallawton’s leadership?

• LGBTQIA+ training for employees
• Funding pride/drag events
• They have a DEI Council
• Funding sex changes
• Climate change activism
• Pride month decorations in the office
• DEI hiring practices
• LGBTQIA+ events at work


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

How Democrats STOLE Juneteenth From Republicans
Dom Lucre
We should be celebrating a holiday that is about victory against racism. Somehow, somehow we have all been tricked in knowing the roles of Juneteenth and who started it, The Republican Party wouldn't even exist if Democrat Senator Stephen A. Douglas, never drafted the Kansas Nebraska Act.

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

On January 29, 2003, Clonaid, a human cloning company made media headlines when they announced they cloned a human baby named Eve was in Israel and they wanted guardianship.

Clonaid, made the disclosure under oath at a hearing into whether Florida should appoint a guardian for the child. The judge then threw the case out of court.

Boisselier also maintained under oath that two other cloned babies have been born since Eve's birth late last month.

Clonaid was founded by the man who also created the Raelian religious sect and claims life on Earth was started by extraterrestrials. (His group logo was the Swastika and Star of David combined logo that Kanye West posted that initially got him banned from X.)

On March 28, 2001 Clonaid presented their case of human cloning to the 107ty U.S. Congress. Titled: “The Issues Raised By Human Cloning.” Serial No. 107-5


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

This is one conspiracy theory every American should pray, it never becomes reality!#opengate

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Do You Think FREQUENCY Can


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Human Hunting Parties for Royal Elite & Pedo Elite


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬


⁃ Faithful people serve others

“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10 (NLT)

God uses your talents to test your unselfishness.

You have to decide in life who or what you’re going to live for. You’re

either going to live a self-centered, miserly life or you’re going to

live for something greater than yourself—the kingdom of God.

Faithful people don’t live for themselves. They realize that the talents God gave them are not for their own benefit. They’re meant to make the world a better place.

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

The Worlds Fair & Tesla Wireless Energy , was there a reset ???


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Donald Trump Going to Jail Will Change America Forever

If Donald Trump is convicted on this bogus claims, it will start a new era in this nation of arresting political opponents, We will need to pay attention to what is happening and be vocal


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

This is Agenda 21, Now we are another version of Agenda 2030.
with#WEF &#WHo and their Great Reset. 15 Minute City and Big Gov.


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections
A video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist Dean Hamer shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

The Kung Flu and Bioweapon 💉 Jab


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Is Jim Carrey playing Biden?


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Jaguar Wright is blowing up that whole diseased industry ~


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Ivan Raiklin and the fight against The Deep State

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Japanese Professor, Masaysu Inoue says the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was an “extreme violation of human rights"

The vaccines have 'induced injuries never seen in human history' Mr Inoue is the Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical school. No wonder Japan is speaking out against the WHO Pandemic Treaty


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Funniest news interview opener! Scott LoBaido Balloon Art


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Anton LaVey , Zeena LaVey aka Taylor Swift & Satanic Pedowood


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Stormy Daniels claimed that her doll named “Susan” is haunted and speaks/moves/does things to people!


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

HipTok#TicTok BANNED this video of the weather prediction I #CorollaVirus™LivesMatter #texas#hurricane

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

I found this alarming Piece of evidence exposing the Border Machine!

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Denial is a river in Wilmington, Delaware.


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Joe Rogan discusses Baphomet and the mark of the beast with Kat Williams.


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

King Charles portrait mirrored
The real question is what are you able to notice in this portrait?
CorollaVirus ™️ LivesMatter

CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

DJT 45 On The Trump Witch Hunt.


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Dirty Harry on feminism and women's quotas.#DEI
50 years later what do we have ?


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Michael Cohen on the Witness stand today!
Listen to this recorded call between Cohen and President Trump.
Sure sounds like Cohen is the criminal!


CorollaVirus™LivesMatter ▬ Truth, Tiwtter, Gab, GETTR, AnonUp, & BASTYON. ▬

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey is demanding the DOJ turn over its communications between Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Leticia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis.

Bailey claims to have reason to believe Biden’s “corrupt DOJ is the HQ of the illicit prosecutions against President Trump.”
