Kevin Schott
@KevindyrunNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
I think of how many young men (15-30year olds) gave their life for the country they believe in. Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW1, WW2, Vietnam War, Iraq, Afganistan…. This country is the best ever !!!! We are blessed to live here !!!! I will not sit by quietly and let it fall apart. We need to take back our country that so much blood was shed to keep!!!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
If this B1den guy is really an actor they better end this soon. I just saw the video of B1den whipping what looked to be a 14-16 yesr old naked girl who was tied with a rope. Somebody is going to take that guy out !!! I will give him less than a month.

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
What happened to Covid??? This Arkansas vs Duke game is in California, and absolutely nobody has a mask on!!!! I guess it just went away. Hmmmmmm

Big ego's
Big salaries
But when uncomfortable... hiding behind.... I am doing as I am told.
That's what children are supposed to do?

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
On a good note… jackings are down because even the theives can’t afford the fuel.

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
Have you noticed that absolutley nobody is talking about race??? When did that narrative go away???

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
Don't try that at home. Last place you want to be is in the hospital.

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
Buffalo is crushing New England in this playoff game. The difference maker is the Buffalo QB who happens to wear#17. Nice

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
I’m tired of this Covid extortion crap going on to pump the numbers up. A friend of mine’s uncle just died in the hospital after being there for about 10 days. He was 84 years old, lots of heart and organ issues and internal bleeding. He tested negative for Covid on arrival. He wasn’t “jabbed” and they knew it.
When he died 10 days later somehow he tested positive for Covid. Just like magic. haha. They told his wife if she signed this paperwork that he was not Vaxxed and died of Covid then FEMA would give her $9,000 of our tax payer money to help pay for the funeral. She signed and took the money even though Covid had nothing to do with his death. This is complete BULLSHIT !!!!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
So Tom Hanks has a new movie coming out. why was I thinking he wouldn’t be available for something like that? Hmmmmmmmm

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
The hospital in Indianapolis where my wife has worked for over 24 years just made a complete 180 on their Covid mandate. 6 weeks ago they were sent an official email that said if they didn’t want the jab they could get tested once a week at the hospital’s expense. They came out two days ago and said they must have the vaccine by November 29 or be suspended without pay indefinitely. Medical and religious exemptions must be in by Monday, but they said “very few” will be given. She is going to retire, but a lot of others at the hospital are too young for that. It looks like they will be losing about 20% of all hospital staffing including doctors, nurses, admin, maintenance, janitors. They are already short on staffing to begin with so a lot of the nurses (with the jab) are applying for jobs elsewhere. I will never go to that hospital again.

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
I will never take a jab of God knows what that is an experimental vaccine. When another couple of years go by and we have the data I will CONSIDER it, but only if it is approved so the drug company is liable. From what I’ve seen it will be at least 18 months to 2 years before the “FDA approved vaccine” will be available to the public.

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
IIt is a personal decision that each person can make about their own body. Absolutely nobody has the authority to ask you if you took ANY medication, if you have HIV, or if you have any physical ailments. If you would like to let them know feel free to.

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
With all of these vaccine mandates in the blue states I am sure they will require proof of vax to vote!!!! Maybe not…….Over 70% of minorities are unvaccinated. Hmmmmmmmm

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
It is kind of strange watching these outdoor college football games. In Indiana I haven’t worn a mask since last March because 95% of us don’t wear them. What are all those sheep doing????

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
So Ben Afleck is a pedo who has been arrested or executed??? He is on a new commercial and a new movie coming out??? WTF ??? Help me out anons.

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
I am called a deplorable, a Trumpster and now an antivaxxer. Let us see who is still alive in a few years

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
Found on a milk carton yesterday:
Arizona Audit Report
If found please contact Mike @

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
This plandemic never would’ve happened if people didn’t have TVs. Isn’tvit amazing how the Amish people haven’t had one person get sick or die from COVID since this started !!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
Twice President Trump pushed getting the vaccine on Fox News. I am kind of confused !!!!!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
So the US olympic athletes who didn’t get the jab are being put in a shit hole hotel, and they aren’t able to practice with their teams. Hmmmmmmmmm

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
Release the monkeys !!!!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
My wife is an RN at a hospital in Indianapolis. They just received an email from the “top” that they are expecting FDA approval for the “vaccinces” in the next couple of months. At that point they will make it mandatory. She is searching for the paperwork she needs to denie it die to “religious” reasons. Has anyone else heard the the FDA is expediting their approval?

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
I no longer carry a mask with me. I no longer even look at any signs on doors of businesses. I just walk in and do my shopping. Only once has anyone said anything to me. It looks like people are fed up.

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
Today is going to be a good day. My wife just informed me that the odometer in her car just hit 177,777 !!!

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
I don’t remember who had the “Pissed off” meter going, but I’m pretty sure we have exceeded the top number at this point. it might have been VK.