4 years ago


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@ewaranon Ewar Anon your videos are gone from YT. Please let US know when LHFE Vol2 is released and where.

Also: 👇👀

"I need to find this guy. I need to tell him not to put the "sun" and "moon" inside our dome. That God Energy is outside and shines like a spotlight thru a hole in our dome to make our seasons and the time zones. The "moon" is an energy source that goes thru our waters from below to project an image on our dome making a "moon" with our landmasses plus ones we haven't been told about making the "shadows" on the "moon" image. It's our map. The moon is as big as our ice ring which blocks the energy so only the small projection of our Earth plane is seen on the screen/dome."

As Above, So Below

There could be infinite "firmament/domes" along the ice plane with whatever atmospheres and life might have developed depending on the amount and size of holes and direction energy is forced.