Karen Stewart
@Kams56Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#kams56 # FusionCenters#WarOnAmerica#NSAtreason
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Guest: Karen Stewart - Part I
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Guest: Karen Stewart - Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCb5qDUnqWA

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSAWhistleblower#kams56 #
Patriot Nation
Mark Hoffman
Apr 15, 2016
Nov 2, 2017
A Conservative Perspective/Patriot Nation Radio Live! 04/15 by World Integrity News Network | Politics Conservative
This Friday ACP is proud to have as a Guest Mr. Shaun Adkins. In addition to being a fellow West Virginian and fellow Radio Host at Redstate Talk Radio, Shaun is also the best selling author of the new book Squashing Liberalism. We'll be talking about that and what's happening in West Virgin..
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
Radio Blog
Freedom, Love, Guns
Gianluca Zanna

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
Jim Fetzer

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
Karen Stewart
2 minutes ago
#NSAWhistleblower#EEOCcase Since NSA failed to kill me with attacks from affiliated Fusion Centers using Directed Energy Weapons they coerced/bribed EEOC judge Laurence Gallagher of the Baltimore EEOC to remove ALL the documentation from my case file, destroy it (a felony) and dismiss my case without a hearing. That is how afraid NSA was of my case revealinging treason by Eric Hagemann (Mossad), Drew French, Jack Shabe, Suzette Frey Lamb, Margarita LaPointe, Robert Gaiser, Drew McCarrier, Robert Amrhein, George Ellard, Vito Potenza, Renee Herzic (sp?), Joeseph Fazio Jr., L. Kemp Ensor III, Jack ABott, William Zephir, etc. Honeypot/sexual blackmail operation for Mossad.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
MY EEOC CASE - from 2010
U.S. Intelligence Shuts Down Damning Report on Whistleblower Retaliation
A top watchdog investigated 190 cases of alleged retaliation against whistleblowers—and found that intelligence bureaucrats only once ruled in favor of the whistleblower.
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#FusionCenters #WarOnAmerica#Treason
Karen Stewert NSA Whistleblower Describing the ATTEMPT TO MURDER Certain... Stan Catterbone.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
my article#ACTIVISTPOST#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#FusionCenters#WarAmerica#DeepState#torture#Murder#CowardlyCovertWeapons#dew#DirectedEnergyWeapons #WeaponsOfWar used on#unarmed#noncombatant#civilians for#funandprofit#policestate engaging in#humantrafficking
Sept 7, 2019
Fusion Centers, Citizen Spies and the Debasement of the American Character - Activist Post
How did we go from a covert, citizen standing army ostensibly due to a threat from “Muslim extremists” to utter surveillance harassment of our neighbors?
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
My article#ACTIVISTPOST#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#NSAtreason#FusionCenters#WarOnAmerica
Oct 15, 2018
American “Zersetzung” - Activist Post
Could your friend really have been put into such a life destruction program? In America of all places? Could that really happen here?
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#My ARTICLE#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#FusionCenters#WarOnAmerica#NSAtreason
Sept, 2018
NSA Intelligence Analyst Addresses New York Times Schizophrenic Coverage of Energy Weapons - Activist Post
We know now as a nation, that these weapons exist. That horse has definitively left the barn with the Cuba story, followed by similar revelations...
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#My ARTICLE#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#FusionCenters#WarOnAmerica#NSAtreason
Sept, 2018
NSA Intelligence Analyst Addresses New York Times Schizophrenic Coverage of Energy Weapons - Activist Post
We know now as a nation, that these weapons exist. That horse has definitively left the barn with the Cuba story, followed by similar revelations...
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#FusionCenter #WarOnAmerica#Infragard#RotaryClub#Sedition
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The Daily News of the T.I. Community
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#DeepState#PANIC Deep State Coopts#TSA to illegally block entry to USA of Pastor who could tell#PresidentTrump about#FISAABUSE#FusionCenter#WarOnAmerica#ToolOfOppression to cover for Criminal Feds

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSAWhistleblower#NSA#NSAcriminslity#NSAtreason#FusionCenters#WarOnAmerica#retaliation include bribed police and#SetUps#FrameJobs to get back at whistleblowers http://www.activistpost.com/2017/08/yet-another-former-nsa-analyst-faces-criminal-charges.html
Yet Another Former NSA Analyst Faces Criminal Charges
One individual who left the NSA under less than ideal circumstances, refers to what happened with the firing of multiple individuals at the NSA as a “purge”
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#kams56#NSAWhistleblower#NSA#Treason#FusionCenters#DeepState#Infragard are seditious#mercenaries#WarOnAmerica
See comment after article:
US Guilty of Premeditated Murder of Civilians | Tales from the Conspiratum
Source: US Guilty of Premeditated Murder of Civilians – Darkmoon With permission from www.darkmoon.me July 3, 2017 The US has been targeting civilians for a long time but pretending that all such deaths are accidental, aka “collateral damage”. By PETER VAN BUREN for The American Conservative With p..
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
Why are Good People Targeted? - Targeted Individual Testaments

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#FusionCenters#WarOnAmerica#TargetingInnocentPeople#PoliceStateFodder Mentioned:
Why are Good People Targeted? - Targeted Individual Testaments

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
RED PILL HARDCORE SHOW / Whistleblower Edition

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSA#NSAWhistleblower#FisionCenters#WarOnAmericans#DeepState https://ocseti.wordpress.com/2019/03/16/life-inside-the-nsa-karen-melton-stewart-another-targeted-individual/
Life inside the NSA – Karen Melton Stewart … another targeted individual | ocseti
What is it like to work inside the NSA? ... here is the story of Karen Melton Stewart - gas-lighted, gang-stalked and targeted by an illiterate psychopath inside the NSA -- a female infiltrator creating sexual control files on employees inside the NSA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLnpJiDZgVs htt..
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#NSA#Mobbing#AdultBullying#NSAtool#NSAtreason technique passed on to#FusionCenters#WarOnAmerica https://mobbing101.wordpress.com/2016/11/02/a-can-of-worms/
A Can of Worms | Mobbing and Bullying
©2016 Gail Pursell Elliott When Mobbing and Bullying are already part of the organizational culture, an unsuspecting staff member can open a can of worms by questioning actions that seem unfair or unethical. To open a can of worms is an idiom meaning to examine or attempt to solve some problem, onl..
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#FISAABUSE#FusionCenters#WarOnPatriots#NewYorkTimes#HitPiece#propagandaexposed New York Times
The Questionable Reporting of the New York Times – Human Rights Watch
Today an article came out in the New York Times about "Gang Stalking". Gang Stalking is the misleading name given to on-foot and vehicular surveillance. It is a protocol which closely resembles the protocol of harassment performed by the Stasi in East Germany. It is well documented in the ..
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#kams56#NSAWhistleblower#NSA#COVERUP#stalkingharassment#electronicharassment#DirectedEnergyWeapons #dew#retaliation#NSAmurdersWhistleblowers when they can. Cowardly use of covert high tech weapons of war on patriots exposing espionage/treason. -----------------

NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSAWhistleblower#kams56#InterviewOne#NSA#NSAcorruption#stalkingharassment#informationwarfare means cowardly#defamation
EXCLUSIVE: Former NSA employee speaks out on its corruption
At the very least, for the past few months to a year it has become increasingly evident that – although not all – many agencies of the U.S. federal government have become increasingly dirty, perverse, and corrupt and require a deep and thorough cleaning
NSA Whistleblower and illegally Targeted Individual by seditious Deep State FBI Fusion Centers covering up NSA treason.
#NSAWhistleblower#911#kams56 Blogtalkradio.com
September 1, 2015