Jan Smith
@JanSmith219Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

OMG! I think pigs are flying and hell just froze over. A friend of mine, who is the Definition of a liberal just got red pilled. She is like 50% Awake. Lol. Never in a million years did i think I would ever see her, snap out of the brainwashing. She has a long way to go, She is still very brainwashed when it comes to COVID. But, she seems awake about politicians FINALLY! maybe there is hope. I thought for sure she would be a part of the liberal crew who never snapped out of it. I’m shocked.

I spoke with three marine corps veterans last weekend. All three-are MAGA/Trump but had never even heard of “Q”
All three agreed- “Biden is our Commander and Chief so we will respect him.” “Better luck in 2024.” “2020 Election is over” “Move on”
Sometimes I worry and lose faith that- “the Military is the only way” and “Patriots are in control” when I see people so willing to accept the fraudulent election😖😣😖😣

the new ad about the DJT platform. When you click the link, it takes you to basically winred.Com. And it says it’s not associated with a specific candidate. Be careful with contributions/donations. Also- this feels like competition for Frank Speech ?? Right?🤷♀️
- Save America JFC ?
- Make America great again PAC ?

I didn’t feel good, after a small group gathering last weekend. Everyone else was proudly vaccinated. I was the only one who wasn’t. I got sick that night. Lesson learned.... stay away from groups of vaccinated people!!!

how many L Lin Wood's?? something about his face lately has been off to me. im a BIG BIG BIG Lin Wood fan/supporter. i know he is one of us. but something about him has changed. he looks like plastic now.

Cows milk is perfect for a growing baby calf. Even a cow stops drinking milk after a few months. Why do humans drink it three times a day? Because the government told us too. Because doctors tell us too. (Same doctors telling us to wear a mask and get a vaccine??)Cows milks is making us fat and sick. No other animals drinks milk from another animal. No other animal drinks milk past youth. Why do humans?!?!?! Do not fear a vegetarian or vegan diet. Just Because it’s what the liberals want. Do not eat processed vegan foods. Those are crap. And will make you sick, fat and unhealthy too. Do your research! Forks over Knives is a good documentary to get you started. any book by Dr Joel Furhman is incredible. You might have to rethink everything you thought you knew about nutrition. Spoiler Alert: the Government has been lying to us.

It’s time for everyone to research the Meat & Diary industry. Humans do not need three servings of milk a day. That is a lie from the government. dr Joel Furhman is an excellent resource. you do not need to become “soy boy betas.” But do not let your cognitive dissonance, keep you from having an open mind. We all loved Pence up until 3 months ago, right? Please do not eat that processed Bill gates farm vegan crap either! Pushing meat and dairy onto us and the food pyramid, is the Cabal. Making us sick and fat. Biden is pushing his climate BS, to get people to eat Bill Gates farms processed crap to make us even more sick. The government should not be telling us what to eat. They shouldn’t tell us to eat one burger a month they shouldn’t tell us to drink three glasses of milk a day. Make your own decisions about what you put in your body. Do the same extensive research you have put into Q drops - into nutrition. The truth is shocking.

looking for some help, crunching numbers and fact checking - if anyone wants to do some digging with me?
im trying to look at CDC Covid death rates, for ages, and US death numbers for 2019/2020.
also- i cant find "survival rates" for COVID. if anyone has that info from a "credible" and recent source.

questions i still have-
What REALLY happened Christmas in Nashville?
What happened to Ruby Freeman & Daughter?
Italy/Obama $$$$$ election inference ?

anyone know the ratings for Hannity tonight? ☺️

trump on hannity- said he took the vaccine!!! 😱😱😱😱

Mike Lindell is savage 🔥 🔥 🔥
I love when he cuts in live and blasts fake news reporters.

my brother wont meet with me in person until im Vaccinated. which is never happening.
so- to CNN, MSM, and social media, and those who are responsible for the COVID brainwashing .... F**K YOU! I have an adorable 1 year old nephew i have only held once. i missed his first year of life because my sister in law watches the View. i cant wait for the world to know the truth, so i can have my family back.

Convo while Chatting with my neighbors:
“I gotta run, I’m getting my vaccine!”
“Oh good for you! “
“Lucky! I’m still waiting”
“Thank you! You’re doing the right thing”
Me..... 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Remember when Libs said they would never get “Trumps vaccine”???? Now you are being praise a hero for getting one?!?! Clown world

I see the vaccine as a death sentence. good people are getting it. It isn’t their fault they fell victim to Mockingbird. It’s easily to poke fun of sheep when you don’t know them. But some of them I love- unconditionally. i was in full agreement with my father, a conservative Trump supporter. That the vaccine was a bad idea. And a few weeks later his liberal wife told me he got the vaccine. My liberal brother and sister (whom I love dearly) convinced him he had to get it. He is a smart man. he doesn’t do social media. Just some talk radio occasionally. (Not everyone has all day to research ) he is in his 60s and works 2 jobs. He pays taxes, and votes republican. I don’t know how “they” convinced him. If this vaccine is about population control. I will never be able to forgive Trump, Q, and “the plan” for letting this happen. It’s not just “liberals” getting the vaccine. It’s good people, with families, who work and contribute to society. People I love.

i have been avoiding FB since, basically last June. Especially since Nov 3rd. I’ve been slowly going back. Scrolling through my newsfeed, just for a minute and leaving as soon as I see something about COVID or politics, to avoid fighting with friends and family.
Today, I’m scrolling through and it’s all “safe”
Pictures of food. Pictures of kids or dogs. People are finally posting about their lives again.
So- did the narrative finally change? Did CNN finally give the sheep permission to live again? Or did FB change the algorithm- and no longer forcing their agenda to the top of the news feed?
Either way FB was less insufferable today.

I was at a party last night and Everyone was talking about their horrible side affects from the vaccine. at a event today everyone was talking about their vaccines (proudly) Am I the only one who didn't get it?!?!?! I can't believe how many people have rushed out to get it 😬😬😬😬

so- im reading through hundreds of comments, on a politcal meme posted in a tv show fan group on FB....
dems/liberals have turned all of their hatred for Trump to hatred for "Qanon"
they are obessed with us. we are the news now. ❤️
we live rent free 24/7 in their sad heads.
cheers 🥂

i dont understand why President Trump would allow the vaccine to happen?
if Patriots are in control. then why the vaccine??
i know too many Trump voters getting the Vaccine because they trust Trump.
if its a Placebo- why are people dying from the Vaccine?
if its population control from the Cabal, why would Trump/Military let it wipe out innocent peope??

i live in a blue state , in a blue city:
people still hate Trump
people are begging for the vaccine
people still blame racism on everything
i trust the plan. but, i think there might be more sheep than planned. i get that things are happening. big things. but- EBS will not be enough. step one to wake the sheep, has to be - end Mockingbird. untill CNN tells them what to think, i dont believe they will ever wake up.

Voted today for a local election. Without a mask!!!! It was the best feeling ever. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
* I live in a blue state, in a blue city, so people wear masks alone in their cars and alone walking outside. My neighbor wears one in his own backyard, when he is alone. People wear two masks with a face shield and rubber gloves at the store, so going maskless is a big deal for me*

what if businesses put up signs that say "masks prohibited?"
why is okay to enforce mask? but what if you banned them?

Where is Ashton Kutcher and the other celebrities who “want to stop” human trafficking? Are they demanding Evergiven’s containers be opened? Are they tweeting about this? (I’m asking - I don’t have Twat anymore)

my father, brother and sister all happily/proudly got the vaccine. i tried to warn them, but it became a banned topic at family gatherings because it resulted in too many fights. and now i wish i had tried harder to warn them. of the dozen people i know who got the vaccine- they are totally fine. ive been praying the vaccine is just a placebo and my family will be safe.
side note: i know ZERO people who have tested postive for covid. ZERO.