Dr JD M17
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I finally got a photo of the solar ring and a UFO spark! New Hampshire USA Mountains! Feel free to share. Sending love vibes out to all!

Half-time SB was pure Satanic ritual. Please don’t fall for those saying it was great bc there were no naked ladies. It was evil spell - making us into masked transhuman clones. Great video on Satanist Wknd.The words were sick subliminal programming to be ‘alone’ & ‘touch’ ‘yours’.. 🤢 m.youtube.com/watch?v=aUfSNt… The Military flyover was White Hats - help from above for the sick sheep following - walking right into mask wearing and controlled cloning. Every SB ad had doubles, clones, CGI - they were making fun of us in plain sight. Even 3D Doritos! Please share.

Half-time SB was pure Satanic ritual. Please don’t fall for those saying it was great bc there were no naked ladies. It was evil spell - making us into masked transhuman clones. Great video on Satanist Wknd.The words were sick subliminal programming to be ‘alone’ & ‘touch’ ‘yours’.. 🤢 m.youtube.com/watch?v=aUfSNt… The Military flyover was White Hats - help from above for the sick sheep following - walking right into mask wearing and controlled cloning. Every SB ad had doubles, clones, CGI - they were making fun of us in plain sight. Even 3D Doritos! Please share.

Wonder if 17 will be predictor of Super Bowl-don’t support largest child trafficking day and Games r rigged. If Mahomes loses then he has 1 ring &Brady 7. Mahoney was behind last year until his hand 666 signal &a touchdown - then it happened a second time! 😜

The Daily Blast on regular TV just apologized to ‘all those families who have lost members to (wait for it) QAnon!’ 😂 Oh gawd - My response: I bet they are resting in PEACE unlike MSM. I know I am!!!! 😜 (Still on Tw - trying to find time to come over here!)

New: For our Gene DeCode groupies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na9-idqSOl0&feature=youtu.be

Still on Tw so haven’t been able to make my way here but had to get this out to all. (Thanks for those linking up and sharing. I’ll get back to you soon!) Why is FedEx sending out all these cadaver (body) bags across the US? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iaqj-T4tgKE&feature=youtu.be

Ted talk on how to fake videos of real people. Those who say (Celeb/pol) r still alive or really ‘good’ r lying to themselves. This was 2 years ago and access to ‘out-of-this-world’ technology should make it easy to understand how an entire inaug can be made up. https://www.ted.com/talks/supasorn_suwajanakorn_fake_videos_of_real_people_and_how_to_spot_them/up-next

It’s true, a Satanist can’t touch a Bible. His gloves - her purse. Don’t know who originally saw this but kudos to them. And, look ar who Camel-(man) dressed as...

Gene Decode did fab update on what is happening-one of the videos didn’t have picture only sound. m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-07Nq… Pats here r holding line but feels good knowing we’re not crazy!Funny thing, Spain reported the ‘live’ fake inaug 11 hours BEFORE it could have been live! (Been posting mostly on TW trying to grab anyone who hasn’t woken up yet while I’m still there! Too many social media places, too little time.)

Finally made it over from Tw JDM46808323! Catching up now and with only 800 of my warrior crew left on Tw just trying to re-connect.