Jay Beste
4 months ago

Jay Beste

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Finally finished another song/video that I had on the back burner

"10%" (Ode to Tony Bobulinkski) ~ J

Dedicated to the patriot Tony Bobulinski for having the courage to bring evidence to light



Fellow Patriots!! The video to my song has been completed and uploaded! I hope you all enjoy!

Feel free to watch it on any of the following links -

In The M.O.A.D.S. (Mind Of Digital Soldier) by J


Rumble - https://rumble.com/v49s31q-in-the-m.o.a.d.s.-mind-of-a-digital-soldier-by-j.html

Truth Social - https://truthsocial.com/@JBeste/111831935852677213

Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3RdoUw/

In The MOADS (Mind Of A Digital Soldier) - Full Video - YouTube

A collection of things from within the mind of a digital soldier.

Had some family over for a barbecue, and heard some talking politics and "news". Saddens me to hear that they are still asleep and not seeing the bigger picture. Not connecting the dots or understanding anything. I tried to slide something in here and there, but they've been so fractured by their "news" and media that only one thing will wake them up... a scare event. It truly is necessary.

It's disheartening to see the hold that is upon some people, especially family.

Thanks to all of you for sharing the links to the song that I recently released!

For those who haven't seen any of the posts, I'll post it for you now ---

Dedicated to all of the patriots, anons, truth seekers and digital soldiers out there.

In The M.O.A.D.S. ((Mind of a digital soldier))

by J




Dedicated to all of the patriots, anons, truth
seekers and digital soldiers out there.

I'm just hoping that this inspires you as much, or
more, than you have inspired me.

It is known as...

In The M.O.A.D.S. ((Mind of a digital soldier))



Some likenesses are just too uncanny.....


We must remember everything that we've been shown...

For those that have yet to see this... (Mike Lindell's original Absolute Proof video, plus an extra video showing more information below it. Mike has stated that he aims to release more info every 3-4 days when possible.

If you have seen Absolute Proof, scroll down to the extra (almost 17 minute) video


A little reminder for anyone feeling down on everything happening...

"Dont Dream It's Over"


The more we share, the more will know


In case others haven't heard of this before, I thought that I would share the info to be sure. Not only is Mnuchin known in Hollywood, but Steve Bannon is as well ---> https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0052442/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

My brother took this pic and thought it would make me laugh too. I cannot lie, it did 🙂

Retired bone shaman, classical musician, Akita mom.

I just felt like saying hi and wishing all a wonderful day today!

I hope that each and every one of you have the best day and weekend ever!

God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊

Hahahah Twitter just suspended me. I think it was either because I retweeted Marjorie Greene's Impeach Biden post, or that I mentioned antifa.com going to the white house page. Who knows though... could just be because I have an awesome group of friends!

Still standing; still hopeful that all comes together as planned and this is just to draw out the big heads behind it all