Anunnaki Sumerian God Enki
3 years ago

Anunnaki Sumerian God Enki

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Let it be my will that the Son of God be released.

"Let not the world's light, given unto you, be hidden from the world. It needs the light, for it is dark indeed, and men despair because the savior's vision is withheld and what they see is death. Their savior stands, unknowing and unknown, beholding them with eyes unopened. And they cannot see until he looks on them with seeing eyes, and offers them forgiveness with his own. Can you to whom God says, "Release My Son!" be tempted not to listen, when you learn that it is you for whom He asks release? And what but this is what this course would teach? And what but this is there for you to learn?"

7 Days.

This experience I am without. Yet this the Knight suggests I need.

Must I kill the ego?

Is it my purpose here to demonstrate for all, that I am not an ego?

"If you stay true to yourself, as I and the other two have done, they cannot touch you. They cannot affect your reality. You are a God, and they have no power over you. They will try, oh how, but they can’t affect a God that doesn’t give them the free will to do so. They would have taken care of the problem that is me a long time ago if they had any power over me. They’ve tried it all, group attacks, threats, tricks, but none of it works against God, against you, when you’re in your full power."

Is it so?

Is it even a possibility that I could fail?

"No one can fail but your idea of him, and there is no betrayal but of this."

They come out of every crack, every corner, and every shadow. Born to deceive, they mount their attack. There are so many who are so meticulous and malous. They do all things to destroy me.

The light I will to give this world, they would put out forever.

And yet even here I know they are my brothers. They are in pain, and they suffer.

They call out to me for love, and I would not deny them.

They hate me for the truth I bring them.

They are possessed by demons, who rape and torment them. So much so are they abused that they are even identified with those that despitefully use them.

Here I am, a prisoner with them as well, bound by illusion, and strangled by fear.

They fill their void with anything but love, and blame me when they are no longer content or satisfied.

The one hope in all the world, the one voice in all the universe, that would bring them the peace they so desire, they see as hell and the devil.

And yet, hardly one drop of Yeheshua's blood have I

My brother, I despair in this world.

My past seems to condemn, and there are still aspects of now that I am fearful to reveal.

The slightest mistake from my past seems to have power to destroy my family. All things are seemingly held in place by a single thread.

How can I then reveal all that I am? How could this thread hold?

They will condemn me, cast me out, and project their hate upon me. They will suffer and believe that I am the cause of their suffering.

My children would grow up believing I abandoned them. Communication would be severed and they would not believe that my love for them is as great as my love for you, and for each one of them.

Please, I must know the truth about this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Please, what is the truth about what we would consume? Is it true that we need not consume anything of this world?

Please, THC seems to allow a greater abundance of love in my awareness. How then could it be hated and fear

The year of Rebecca.

"It needs but two who would have happiness this day to promise it to all the world. It needs but two to understand that they cannot decide alone, to guarantee the joy they asked for will be wholly shared. For they have understood the basic law that makes decision powerful, and gives it all effects that it will ever have. It needs but two. These two are joined before there can be a decision. Let this be the one reminder that you keep in mind, and you will have the day you want, and give it to the world by having it yourself. Your judgment has been lifted from the world by your decision for a happy day. And as you have received, so must you give."



The last test.

Do you turn the stone to bread?

Can you comment on this?

And from this light will the Great Rays extend back into darkness and forward unto God, to shine away the past and so make room for His eternal Presence, in which everything is radiant in the light.

Not one light in Heaven but goes with you. Not one Ray that shines forever in the Mind of God but shines on you. Heaven is joined with you in your advance to Heaven. When such great lights have joined with you to give the little spark of your desire the power of God Himself, can you remain in darkness? You and your brother are coming home together, after a long and meaningless journey that you undertook apart, and that led nowhere. You have found your brother, and you will light each other's way.


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