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Citizen Soldier
Citizen Soldier
18 days ago

Citizen Soldier

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Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Check out the Devolution Series by John Harold. Really good read and very well researched. If you've never read any before, start with part 1.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Anyone else ever looked at Shaking My Head Productions? Lots of interesting stuff. I've looked through much of the Truth Vault Images.

Link below

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Regarding the country Israel: I read a very well written article, and I re-read it recently. It is attached below. It makes a very compelling argument b however, I don't necessarily agree with all of it. It covers Israel, World governments, and the basis for much of what is happening. We were told they were saving Israel for last.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Regarding the guidestones.....
White hat or black hat operation?
was it blown up to hide it or draw attention to it by the general pulic? (we all know what they are but how many of your co-workers and relatives do)

There were no casualties and it appears like it was hit by something (missile/DEW) which points toward white hat, but the speed with which they demolished the rest points to a possible coverup (nothing to see here).

could it be both? white hats strike it to draw attention, and black hats destroy the rest to get it off the news cycle?

any thoughts?

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Any body catch the Scott McKay interview with Dr. Ardis? Thought it was better than the Stew Peters one. Seemed more credible to me. How about the follow up from 4/12/22?
Look into Hydrogel - Pretty interesting stuff. Its a form of Microencapsulation, similar technology for what is used in many different types of pesticides for delivery of poison to intended targets (Water is only the vehicle for transport).
Hydrogel is a good method of delivery for protein based substances. So honestly, its actually perfectly feasible for people to distribute toxins through our water supply. I'm not saying that is exactly how its done, but it is feasible with the right technology. You know plus the fact that at least the top four municipal water supply chemical companies that I looked at have BlackRock and vanguard as major shareholders.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Still not much air traffic around Ukraine.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Thought this was very interesting today. I received in the mail an application for an absentee ballot. It was complete with a prepaid return envelope addressed to my city clerk and even had my return address in the corner. The application was already mostly filled out for me. It included a nice little letter telling me that all I had to do to vote by mail was fill out the application.
I could be wrong, but I believe I still have to show a photo ID in my state of Wisconsin in order to get an absentee ballot. All of this was courtesy of the Center for Voter Information. Of course this is a "Left of Center" organization who's founder was part of the Clinton Campaigns both in '92 and '08.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

taken this afternoon 1420hrs cst. several surveillance aircraft up in the air. each of these are E-3's or E-6's. there was also an E-4B over on the east coast that was not in this image. If you dont know what these aircraft are, i suggest you look them up. pretty interesting for sure to see so many in the air at the same time.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

wondering what all you guys are seeing for gas prices out there. we just hit 3.99 this morning here in central wisconsin.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

nice little defacto no fly zone right now over eastern europe. I have no idea why?😁

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Bureau of Prisons just went into National Lockdown.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

The new barriers going up around the white house remind me of demolition fencing. You know, the type used to keep any debris from say demolition charges from making it to any possible bystanders.

see the green barriers around the old fish market. looks just like the ones around the white house, jersey barriers with solid pannels attached vertically.

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47


Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Thought this was interesting. According to the Narratives, HCQ is not authorized or effective as a treatment for the rona, including our own government was saying this. I happen to KNOW that a federal agency, in april of 2020 purchased $60,000 worth of that particular medicine. It can run from anywhere around $.27 a dose up to $.85 a dose. For argument's sake, lets take that at the Higher end (70,000+ doses). This particular agency is charged with the care of certain law infringers, and I happen to know for a fact that these doses were never offered to staff. and no, it wasn't purchased for its approved use, it was bought for off label use. Just happened to see this info today and thought it quite interesting.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

2 C-32As look to be heading overseas right now. Anyone know or suspect where a tandem would be headed this time of night?

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Happened to notice a fairly long set of rail cars today. They were filled with MRAPs and seemingly staged as there was no locomotive attached to the cars, at least not that I could see, and it looks like the majority of the cars would have been hidden up until the corn harvest taking place recently and all of the hills and trees along this section of rail. Its a fairly remote area and I can't think of any other real other reason for them to be there. Tried to get a picture, but I was driving. Looking into it a bit more, these tracks run between Milwaukee and Milton, WI. I suppose there could be a logical explanation for them being left out in very rural area with seemingly none around and fairly hard to see from any road, about an hour or so outside of Milwaukee, but I haven't been able to come up with one.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

I know this is probably old news to almost everyone on here, but EVERYTHING regarding the Epstien "Suicide" in the confines of a high security Federal Prison is higly suspect. None of what made the mark as the official narrative of what happened would typically pass muster at a federal joint, much less one housing such a highly notable offender. Whenever a "Major Player" comes around, especially when there will be cameras nearby, is done completely by the book. And that situation was very far from the book. That specific camera going down and being down for a while, is a bunch of crap. They have people on staff who can fix those cameras and would be called in to fix one there, or they would have moved him to a cell in which they could have had a camera on him. Idk if he was "Suicided" or moved under cover of darkness because he would have been, but everything they have said is what happened is a bunch of crap.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Special Air Mission (SAM) Flight looks to be headed South. Wonder who is travelling where? (Image captured@2219CST)

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Any Federal Employees or Military members out there dealing with a vax mandate? Have any of you filed and been granted an exemption from the order?

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Thought this was interesting. An E-4B with an ODIN call sign. Captured at 1306 CST.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Quick question: how many think that the Arizona Audit is the smoking gun?
Is it possibly more misdirection, at least right now while ongoing, to get eyes away from other areas?
I Would not be surprised if many other significant things are happening right now while all eyes are on Arizona.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Please share far and wide. Many other great videos advocating for just moral causes as well at

D18: There's Nothing Wrong With Abortion - DeBunked - YouTube

Abortion - it's a hot topic in culture today. The truth is, although it might be a psychologically complex issue, it's not a morally complex one. DeBunked 1...

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Taken today at 1250 CST. Several E-3s Flying around the Central Plains.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Three Patriots! Keep spreading the truth!

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Not too much up in the air, but two sam flights, and this is the first time I have seen an E-6 over the water in a while. Also another E-6 on West coast.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

The Potomac is rising in DC.

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

So I saw Simon Parkes said today that they began flooding the tunnels under DC; then I saw Richard Citizen Journalist video showing lots of water flowing down the streets of DC. Then I stumbled across this post pictured below. Think its related?

Proud patriot, Army Vet; God, Family, Country! WWG1WGA

Lots of surveillance traffic around Texas today. Taken at 1531 CST.