EAM Leonard
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Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

I walk the path God put me on with no doubt and no fear.I will stand by what is right until my last breath.#GodsArmy WWG1WGA #LetsFinishThis
I am crushed. The hospital MURDERED my friend😪 she survived her heart surgery, got rona, they shoved a vent down her throat so violently that they ripped her esophagus. WHEN WILL THIS EVIL FOKKING END😪😪😪😪 I am sick in my heart today with her passing. She called me because she knew they were trying to kill her. She counted on me to not let rhem😪😪 They wouldn't let me see her. I failed her and they MURDERED HER. God make this evil stop😪

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman
i am on truth social@ealeonard. see you there 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman
“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”
Romans 8:6-8

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman
Freedom loving humans the world over are sick of the bullshit, and if you think for one second ANY of us are gonna just let this shit slide, you better wake the fuck up and get some Wheaties in ya because we ain’t going away.
Our resolve has only strengthened. Our anger is Righteous, and God blankets us with His love, guidance, safety, and protection. Most importantly; What we have, you lack - We have truth, we have resolve, we have love, and we have GOD.
That’s why we will win.
God wins.

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman
You fight for the right to force a child to have sexual reassignment surgery.
You project, lie, manipulate and twist every single soul on this planet.
You’ve pushed God out, and welcomed Satan.
You’ve committed high treason.
You diddle kids.
You cover for pedophiles.
You call us racist.
You call us domestic terrorists.
You ran a false flag on January 6th, thus leading to horrible treatment of folks who simply walked around inside the Capitol.
You’ve allowed Big Pharma to dictate how healthy someone can be.
You cancelled the Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, Uncle Ben, and Aunt Jemima.
You tear down statues.
You burn books.
You censor free speech.

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman
You kept us in masks.
You kept us indoors.
You masked our children, and gave them PTSD that will take a life time to erase.
You kept us separated.
You forced an experimental drug on society.
You forced that drug while taking people’s livelihoods away because they chose not to take it.
You fired Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Police, and EMTs because of their choice. Less than a year after hailing them as heroes.
You used this sham to steal an election.
You stole that election in an attempt to usher in World Wide Totalitarianism.
You’ve been the direct cause of death, disease, famine, and families losing everything.
You stood idly by while your BLM and Antifa lackeys ravaged American cities.
You pushed for defunding police.
You gaslit an entire nation, and the World into division, hatred, and chaos.
You’ve used your mockingbird media to brainwash the innocent.
You fight for the right to murder babies.
You figh

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman
knowing is not enough, we must apply. willing is not enough, we must do.
-johann wolfgang von goethe

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman

Galatians 5:1 🌹Donald J Trump is POTUS 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA “The only thing new in this world is the history you do not know.” Harry S. Truman