Amanda Horne
2 years ago

Amanda Horne

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Shine a light on the dark and speak the truth.

My prayer is that when an individual goes to get the shot they would know the adverse affects, the dangers. Their decision would be made freely and not under compulsion. I want them to KNOW, but still be free to choose.

Please join us this week, NC Patriots!!

It is most definitely a spiritual battle of the unseen and seen. Praise God for the other Patriots fighting in the Light. Don't grow weary. Keep pushing forward.

Wisdom from Jarrin Jackson:

Evil offers us counterfeit life. Are we giving our birthright away with Esau for a small, meaningless cup of soup? What are we giving our birthright away for? The birthright of Freedom and Liberty. What lie is evil handing to us freely? If we don't care about what they are offering and we grab hold to our God given rights; evil has no more power over us.

David Clement's message:

My heart goes out to the Australians. Please pray with me. These kind of rulings could very well increase suicide rates. How evil to give people born with God given rights no choice.

“The heightened economic and social threat posed by COVID-19 means we cannot afford to wait to legislate,” said Ms Murray.
Australia’s annual suicide rate (3,318) are currently more-than-three times that of deaths from COVID-19 (1,012).

This is so empowering. Speak the truth. You are free. They just don't want you to think that.

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, “In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” And, “But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.”
Hebrews 10:36‭-‬38

Thank you, General Flynn! You have inspired me to take new action and keep doing what God has called me to do. Truly inspirational!!🇺🇸

Thank you hardworking medical workers for caring and sacrificing for us. I am praying for your health and future in this country.
I would love the town Doctor who made his rounds model. I can dream!

From America's Frontline Doctors on Telegram:

I am planning on watching the AZ Audit results live at 4 pm ET via the link below.🍿🍿

AZ Audit Results tomorrow at 4 pm ET!!

We are with you, Australia. I pray you all can stand up at once for your much needed freedoms. Make life altering decisions to bring this change. Be a beacon of light. Be Brave. I am praying for your children, safety, and FREEDOM.

From Wendy Rogers on TG:

I had a vision of people linking arms and standing in unity around the globe. This reminds me of that!! Stand Together. Who can stop us? We are free in our minds even if they try & take our bodies. UNITY!!!

From 'Save Our Sons and Daughters' on Telegram:

33000 doctors and personell in Canada refuse the poison jab.
This is happening all over the world but big media and big tech are sensoring the truth! Forward & Share 💪👍

Funeral Director from the UK discloses his experiences with Covid, Vaccine Injury Deaths, and the Delta Variant. Is there a connection between the Delta Variant and Vaccine Injury Deaths?

Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:22‭-‬23

I remember. I saw a plane on tv approaching the second tower, which was very ominous. I was completely terrified when it hit. Turning to God helped me the days following. I recommend the same in these hard and sometimes dark times. I am waiting for the son of God. In the meantime, let's Pray. Let's Be Best. Forgive. Hope. The Light at the End of the Tunnel.

If you live in or near NC, come out and join these leaders in taking back our great land. I will see ya'll in High Point!

Post from Code Monkey Z's Telegram:

Truck Blockade in Australia.🇦🇺

Everytime a video like this is posted, the Australian government deploys a group of government bots to tell us how this totally isnt a blockade and how everyone should just go home, back to their quarantine, and to stop posting truthful memes on facebook.

Australians have lost free speech and will soon literally be jailed for posting memes and truth online.

If any Australian has more footage of truck blockades but are scared to post it because you dont want to be persecuted, please direct message me on gab.
(note: no z)

Bless our God, O peoples, and sound His praise abroad, who keeps us in life And does not allow our feet to slip. For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined. Certainly God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer nor His lovingkindness from me.
Psalms 66:8‭-‬10‭, ‬19‭-‬20

If election integrity isn't on someone's radar, but they love our country; please check out the video below.

My musings and prayer for the world. Hold onto Father God!🌻

Full Reliance on God!
-From Seth Keshel's Telegram

May our country be there for each other. Locking arms. More than normal. Help us to grieve together. Grieve well. Move forward positively and purposefully to benefit all. Not just to let off steam. Channel our anger into good changes.😥🇺🇲

The post below was from last night, on Midnight Rider 17's channel. I thought it was appropriate for now!

The crowd's not really scared. They have had enough.
-Avi Yemini with Rebel News
🇦🇺Free Australia!!🇦🇺

From the Professor's Record on Telegram:


The political class in America today has ruined damn near every aspect of our lives by corruption and intrusion. They all now have to stop kidding themselves and stop lying to the American people expecting the media will get them out of this one too.
-General Flynn

Statement from President Trump

"Because the audits will expose the lie and allow truth to prevail."
-Lin Wood
I pray for the blind. Those who do not have eyes to see or ears to hear; to be blown away by the cold, hard facts from these above reproach audits!