David Wang
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Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
Behind the scenes look at how Trump subdued the 13 banking families and converted their assets to the US Treasury.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
Watch "Aliens Come From Hell" on YouTube

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
Sananda: Nearing The Finish Line
I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share with you. And be a part of these continuing expression of your awakening consciousness. And oh! What an awakening consciousness is occurring here within each and every one of you, as well as many of your brethren across the planet, as more and more of you are awakening!
You may not think that is happening. But, as we have said many times from our vantage point, it is. More and more lights are quickening within them. The flames are quickening within them, rising, growing, expanding, that flame of remembering and knowing and higher consciousness. It is all coming back. And all of you just simply need to continue to allow the process to continue.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
Carlos Castaneda
What may not be learned through rote, is the immediacy of life and the way to align with that through feeling.
We all know the story, of the wise man and the cup that could take no more tea, because it was full.
The path of becoming is a path of emptying ourselves, of our learning and opinions.
Just as we prune a tree, of what is not needed, so that in spring it will burst into blossom and fruit in the summer.
So the wise man looks carefully to what is extraneous to the upcoming time, what will weigh him down on his journey and cuts it away.
When the breezes of spring blow, he is light, his heart opens, his wings expand and he is aloft in the thermals of knowledge.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
Mystics say that when the sandal wood tree is at its most fragrant, then all the trees nearby also have this powerful fragrance.
Fragrance is transmitted, mood is transmitted. Magic is a mood. It is a mood redolent with possibilities that we may align with.
We have will. We can develop deeper focus and attention. With attention the whole world changes.
Cultivate openness and expansion and those that embody it.
Sit with an experienced person and you imbibe what they know.
We in the West learn as we were taught in school and in the home. We attempt to apply this way to greater knowledge.
Though logical and scholastic learning have their place, they tend towards identification and habit and are not appropriate for the mystics path. - Carlos Castaneda.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
“You want a king? A dictator? A savior on the outside? You are free to choose one, but I will prophesy for you: Any power outside of yourself will enslave you!
…When truth is revealed the majority will not believe it, as it is not what they are expecting. They are looking for some external God to deliver them, yet there is not any. Follow no external being - and that goes for all teachers, Popes, all governments, all everything. The minute you believe someone external to yourself is your great leader he will enslave you, as told us in the first chapter of the Book of Samuel. Find God within you or you will never find him. And when you do, scripture will unfold in you!”
~Neville Goddard

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
💥HUGE NEWS! I just received word that Governor Chris Sununu signed Senate Bill SB43 into law. It mandates a forensic audit of the ballots that were cast, and the voting machines that were used, by Windham, NH during the November 3, 2020 election.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
Humanities awakening has sent reverberations throughout the galaxy and beyond. Your hope, your will and strong belief in change for the better has shocked many civilizations across the galaxy, who previously thought that you were a lost cause. And now they are cheering you on, their joy has increased tenfold.
Hold your light now for it is needed in these times of great change. In the final stage of the upliftment.
You may not perceive them now, these light beings, but most certainly they are closer than they have ever been before. The moving “stars” you see in the sky are in fact your family’s light ships.
They watch over you, with the purest love. Many walk among you. Know that you are safe, your bright and prosperous future is guaranteed.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
THE LUMINESENCE OF DIANA as the Queen of Peoples Hearts.....
"Diana wanted you to feel that you are loved, that you are comforted, that you are secure, and that when you feel this love you will also find your purpose to love in like measure. Diana believed that if we are filled with love a power arises within us to create a life of infinite possibility. And Diana showed by example, for she believed that within our being is a love that can direct one to think and feel in ways that reflect and attract all the love that one wants. This type of thinking and feeling is called ENLIGHTENMENT. This state of being defines a choice that is available to you in every moment!"

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
Full Disclosure: Reptilian Overlords since the destruction of Ancient Atlantis and the Greatest Story Never Told.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
6000 patented technologies
This might be crazy for many but I’m just the messenger!
The Military Source revealed three technologies that have been released. The below were the first of nearly 6,000 technologies to be released to make this world prosper.
1. Anti-gravity machine: TR3B is faster than light. It has a triangle shape and allowed for space travel, mining of asteroids, or planets so that Earth won’t have to be. They run on space particles for propulsion. No engine requiring rocket fuel.
2. Zero point energy for free energy and no more fossil fuel requirements after converting.
3. Room temperature super conductor. This means free utilities for all!
4. UFO’s are real and they are ours! I had this confirmation from an Air force pilot (a colonel) in 1985 that had been To Area 51.
Why President Trump created Space Force: It took charge of what the D/eep State had

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.
I like hiding Gemstones.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.

Messages from the past meant for the Future. The future the way that it was meant to be. So bright we might want to wear sunglasses.