Chad Wood
1 year ago

Chad Wood

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In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

The issue is the people (Congress) that need to be laid off are not going to be. The ones that are going to be laid off are the people that conduct the business like processing military & veteran pay or SS checks.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Resign??? He needs to be tried and hung for crimes against humanity, that is what a majority of Americans want to see. Seeing him and many others truly pay for their evil deeds, done dirt cheap...

In response _d3nn @n0n to his Publication

One can only pray that this happens

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

Either treatment facilities or isolation camps for those that received the vax and there is no cure found yet. Isolating these people is the only way to keep it from spreading. Not that I at all agree with just another what if

It's past audits that should have been done back in March or April. Courts Marshall for biden, milley, austin, and mckenzie for a starter over the BS withdrawal and drone strike. Then let's look at the list of people that can be tried under the Nuremberg Code for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY with the plan-demic and the follow-on so-called vaccinations. HANG'EM ALL and HANG'EM HIGH!!! Which is the punishment for TREASON and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

In response Lady 4Trump to her Publication

Just a question but what if Larry said that because he knows that the election was stolen and that all of that information will come out but in order to not lose some constituents said let's focus on this election. If he was to win he can help push through any looks into CA election system. Just a thought 🤷‍♂️