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Dennis Spivey
Dennis Spivey
11 months ago

Dennis Spivey

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Question: Does anyone besides Martin Geddes comment on here anymore?

🇬🇧🇬🇧Causing or inciting girls under 13 to masturbate, by school teachers in class or otherwise, is an offence by breach of section 8(1) of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.

Additionally, sections 8(2)(a) and 8(2)(c) are breached if said causing or inciting of masturbation includes penetration of the vagina.

It's time to start holding teachers who violate this legislation and children's minds accountable.

Join us at

IMO it is condescending to say "You're watching a movie!". Is that what you are going to tell the families who have lost loved ones that were not even aware that it was a "movie". In a movie, the ones who get killed, continue to live. What if that were your son or daughter? Would it still be a F'ng Movie? Did these people sign up for their role in the "movie", like soldiers who take an oath to protect their homeland, knowing in the back of their mind that they may make the ultimate sacrifice?
Come clean and admit that we are in a war! It's not a "movie". It is a spiritual battle.

Question: Why do most of the truthers, who are supposedly awake, keep talking about people like Elon, Byden, etc. etc., like they are still around? IMO if your defense is "to wake up the sheep", you are way off target because the "sheep" aren't listening to anything but the MSM. They only respond to what is fed to them through the one eyed monster.

Happy New Year's Eve!

Is it true the General Flynn has been finalized?

Quick question: If Joe Bydan is not in control of the military, how can he mandate "vacations" for the military? Seems to me the Generals in charge would tell him to go pound sand, like the USMC General Berger did!

Dear Huma Khan:

One or two posts are sufficient, not 8 or 10 of the same thing!

Many are speaking about a 2024 run for President Trump. If NESARA/GESARA are truly implemented, doesn't it state that congress will be abolished? Why limit the leader of the planet (under GESARA)? IMO there is something much better coming down the pike! That's what I'm looking forward to! Why look forward to the same political rhetoric that we have experienced all of our lives only to find out we really made no difference! Stay strong in your faith, practice good healthy habits, BE KIND to one another.

Ghost Ezra:
In response to your post earlier about the "movie". I have a few questions.#1) Are Pelosi, Schumer, the usual suspects, around and if they are, are they still getting a salary?#2) Why was the attack in TX allowed? We all know that snow melts, but this was a manmade artificial "snow". The freezing temps killed people. Is this part of the movie? I'm just curious that if that was allowed by the white hats, doesn't that make them just as bad? or is it just considered as collateral damage? I thank you for your response.

Talked with my sister today who had stated she was going to get the vax. I vehemently objected, begged her to do her research. No symptoms of Covid, why get the vax? She informed me that she did her research and also spoke to her son. Decided to wait a year to think about it again. Whew!!!! So happy God answered my prayers.

Can someone please clarify for me why the suffering in TX is being allowed to happen? This "movie" is taking a bad turn. Americans are dying. Children are dying because they don't have heat! If the "white hats" are in charge, why are they allowing this to happen. Should we just chalk this up to collateral damage from the "war" that we are in? Any of you pundits have an answer? How many more will be hurt? The excuse that the people need to be shown so they will wake up is starting to sound like bullshit! Unless MSM tells them that they are awake it's never going to happen. Should we do a "sammy dance" for those in TX? It's time for the movie to end. We (patriots) know that Buydan is fake and not the real president. If military is in charge then act like it. Welcome all responses. Would love a solution! Maybe the "white hats" can tell the parents of children that are freezing to death to get their popcorn ready and that should console them.

Question: If Garth Brooks performed at the fake inauguaration, is he good guy or not? I can understand Lady GaGa and Lopez, but Garth Brooks didn't add up for me. Can someone please clarify? Thanks

Has anyone else noticed this anomaly? Washington, D.C., City of London, and Vatican all have similar monuments. DC has Washington Monument, IDK what the others are called, but if you look at photos you will see they all have one! Hmmm!

I am trying to understand why people are giving any credence to the new administration's actions. I need more explanation than "it's a movie" as I am sure those families affected by the actions of this new administration would like answers also. People are being harmed, time for the "movie" to become an action movie!!! Anyone able to shed some light on this please feel free to do so.

Just a question. If the DS submitted articles of impeachment to President Trump, does that mean that they recognize him as President as oppossed to Biden?