Coach Jvus
7 months ago

Coach Jvus

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🇺🇸 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was born Jan 17, 1954.

He was 6 years old when he went to his first Political rally
for his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.

He is the son of U.S. AG RFK, nephew of Joseph, Kathleen
& President JFK & grandson of the Skakels, Ethel's parents —
all killed by the deep state.

RFK has been honest about his addiction to heroin
& sliding into the dark side. He rehabilitated his life
& has saved MILLIONS of children.

History was made tonight on so many levels, but on this one
in particular.

RFK, Jr.’s great grandfather, John F. “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald,
was a Democrat politician. His entire family was Democrat.
Yet tonight, at 70-years-old, RFK is the first Kennedy Democrat
to endorse a Republican — President/CiC Trump,
who was himself originally a Democrat.

✍️ One mo thing from @ Rachel_writesideblonde:

RFK entered the Trump rally to the Foo Fighter’s “My Hero” 🎼
which happens to be a favorite song of JFK, Jr. 😎