It’s Nana
@Nana433Wwg1wga. Will follow all patriots. MAGA. Come back soon djt jfk jr!! Truth-seeker. Looking for my likeminded people!

Grasshopper TAF..
@GrasshopperTAFKAGPlease JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén ...

Worldwide Liber..
@WorldwideLiberty"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people; they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liber...

Brad Davis
@Brad_DavisMy bloody profile pic is not me and In my mind depicts me winning a battle with a cig. God is my truth.

Outlaw Legion
@Bandit24#WWG1WGA #ARMYVET #2A #III% #MAGA #TRUMPTRAIN #KAG #IWillNotComply gab.com/@Bandit24 TruthSocial/@Bandit24 Vox Populi, V...

Lucas Warren
@Gingerred42#IOwnMyOwnMind #IOwnMyOwnBody #WWG1WGA #MAGA #1776 No creepy DMs I will block you! Other are all welcome!! 😊

Deplorable Daws..
@NoDealsDawsonNoDealsDawson - Casualty of the great Twitter purge #MAGA #GodBlessAmerica #GodWins #Patriot

Patriot Jim
@Patriot_JimFierce defender of Truth, Justice and the American Way. Husband, father and proud Pop-pop. Patriotic to the core. WWG1WG...

Jim French
@CircuitridersVeteran and proud to be an American, MAGA, WWG1WGA, NCSWIC, Constitutional Republic we are!!!!! GOD is in control, foll...

Trump Is My Pre..
@TrumpMyPresidentWe are the news now. 🇺🇸 Here for truth. Waiting for Justice. Trump is President. WWG1WGA.

Kelly Kelly
@UsersName1sKellyChild of God here🌸Jesus is My Savior🕊We are living in biblical times. Always been warrior for truth.

Tank Patriot
@TankPatriotFather, Brother, Son…Freedom lover non conformist since Day 1. Friend till the end. #FamilyIsEverything.

Qbero Gil Vega
@Qbero17Here paying it forward. Blessed to be redpilled digital Soldier. Will not stop fighting until justice is served #wwg1wg...

Annie D-W
@Annie172123Optimist, Mommy, Civil Engineer #WWG1WGA # FIghtback It's all Good! God wins!

Kent Brown
@2MarinesonsFollower of Jesus, husband of one, father of four, papa of 7, seeker of the TRUTH

Iron Eagle
@IronEagleThere is no division but that which you choose to create. Love unites us all. Fear only exists when you deny this trut...

William B Doyle
@WilliamBDoyleUSN(RET), eternally 25yrs old, widower (30yrs together), OathKeeper, The Oath never expires, "Peace Thru Superior F...

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more