Hello Yes
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Thank God all of you are here doing this. I BELIEVE!

in moments of elusion God comes back to me in a storm of tears, He and I are One. What I do has an eminent reflection and He's not done with me yet. #weallwantsomebody2care

in moments of elusion God comes back to me in a storm of tears, He and I are One. What I do has an eminent reflection and He's not done with me yet. #weallwantsomebody2care

u ever been at a place where even just three months ago seems wild and innocent? #Love&sex

a mask on the ground
a horrible urethra
a great beast
the wild God of my immortal dream
angry with me
where no nature will go
we do not kill
we don't have to
filled with spades
bigotry without reason
we're hungry and tired
a glory
and a full time job
shackled in our earthly garments
an unending psychosis beyond time
men are not good enough
to great in potential death
we sleep the calmest rest
and in His great eyes
we see our immortal judgement oncemore
and again
she wants all of me
the thickness of the man fills her
releasing the great stressful stream of the lustful knowing
a deserving man
gnostic awareness
never enough
we reach out in our oneness
and she gives birth oncemore
and that's it
now leave God alone
Man's biggest distraction
and through her glorious form
our short life reels itself until the body has no more questions
and 'developmemt' actually ceases
the End is perfection

Fed up with ignorance. America is about Freedom, not conformity.

Sometimes O think about the only time Jesus became angry, I also feel an impassioned rage when people trybto commercialize that which is sacred. There's a lot of scary movies but the story of God's son being abandoned by his fellow man and forsaken by his own Father tortured and killed then rose again is very real. Happy Easter my fellow patriots.

Last night. Awaken all of your heart

let it all die today. give unto Him

Only our words live forever. Live a life of love

God never tempts me always encourages me. There are reasons behind our fall. Stumbling is a part of the path and Love is very real. Look brightly at the world around you. This is our week.

My friends this os the Great Week. Time to self actualize and show our potential who's boss. God has given us all the tools we could ever need to defeat this Beast. Easter is upon us. Be ready to resurrect.

There are many stairways but only one leads to Heaven. It's called faith. Forgive yourself and be blessed. Thrive. I'm still a sensitive soul but the secret of the Covenant Womb has fortified me.

Ybor is a lake of wanton flames
sadness pervades the low vibes
and wanders the streets like a crouching tyranny
hiding in leather busts and swollen fantasies
I glow amidst the lava and heartache
they look at me
all ages begging to scream
wanting the faith they're too brave to have
relenting the God fear temporarily
while sex sells
I ask a couple people
small boy
older girl
if the strip gets busier while the night
and I know they're angels cause they smile brightly and tell me what I need to know
authority should die
when it's not Him
the people see their hearts when I show myself
selflessly with no lust
the tiki girls are angels
the rap guys are angels
now they doubt the sin stream
and its all so clear
and then as fire is perceived and no longer imagined
I start to float up
and from within my wings spread
She holds me
chilled the egg and seed
the angel is my faith
sprouting from the heart

People are not simple and these are complicated times. God loves his angels and wills them to be united.

Anyone with a Reproductive 'Rights' sticker should watch close up graphic live action footage of an abortionist performing his operation and then tell me it's not killing your own child.

A man of integrity passes his fathers civilization on to his son without selling it off to strangers.

Self control is a delusion of the obedient but a merciful patience for those strong enough to face the truth.

The truth is like people, simple and deep. stay asleep if you want to but I'd rather you wake yourself up than be violently awoken by an awful reality too powerful to ever stop.

There are no blue states. There are red states with large blue cities in them. The blatant betrayal of Americans and American exceptionalism grows more potent every second. covid was and is a ploy to vaccinate every citizen, cause fear and chaos, make people less likely to speak to each other and to shut down small businesses while the super rich buy up the inner city properties at uneven rates for further control and profit. Just more depopulation.

have you ever found a flower that was already dead?
thats what I think of when I see you
searching but placid
seething but tame
receptive but cold
on fire
yet withering away
you are the one that I always want
each second each day
through platitudes of longing
i touch you
i take you
till everything goes away
in that moment
God is truly everywhere
and the fate of longing fatigued
life goes too cool
sudden but oblique
a cascading spring sudden and gloom
like sunshine taken for granted
till its finally gone
and then nothing forever
the stillness of being born
then she goes back where she was
holding on to it
than you

through all our sorrows and all our pain
theres still one thing that remains the same: God
his Presence, Love and Power. While free will is a gift only He has a plan for all of us. Use your love in all of your problems and you shall find the path laid clearer than ever before.

The reason people are taught to demonize Nazism and the Confederacy has nothing to do with racism, Jews, or black people. It has everything to do with the fact that these states fought for a future for their people that was free from the Global New World Order.

Those whom have studied history and corruption the longest and whom have known about the Satanic elites since te 90s 00s or even BEFORE the internet have gotten so used to living on the edge of society snd taking nothing mainstream from society that right when masses of new truthers finally began to be noticed we were as surprised as anyone for despite knowing that a Great Awakening was inevitable, we had begun to expect that it would never happen.

posting videos or revealing my views. The time will come when threats to self, job, or reputation cannot trump threats to family, freedom and God.

All of last year I wanted to remain unreactionary. As soon as the scamdemic hit I felt a strong compulsion to go out into the streets and protest things like radical feminism, mass migration, globalism, anti traditionalism, anti religion, diversity, lockdowns, cashless paying, vaccines, state day cares, fractional reserve banking, foreign wars, everything. I held myself back despite overwhelming evidence of financial collapse, great reset, social collapse to the point of class and racial warfare. I had just lost my FaceBook page which had thousands of original posts of my intellectual property taken bybthe rich out of greed and fear towards an everyday patriot. I saw the exact same thing with the police brutality hoaxes and knew the true resistance was being set up for cataclysmic failure and yet I did not want to hurt Trump's chances so waited until after the election. When that was over we saw the scariest most conformist Purge yet to the point where I no longer felt safe

only love can save a man from politics

only love can save a man from politics

only love can save a man from politics