46 minutes ago


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KAMALA HARRIS AND CO are running on Killing babies.
Fucking Lizard Shits.

We are protecting them.

A baby grabs a doctor’s finger from inside the womb

A child’s location doesn’t determine their humanity

I'm Dean Feinstein,
Vote for me and I'll show you my bulge.


BUSTED!!! I knew this dumb bitch was listening in.

She is stupid, she has no business anywhere near the Whitehouse or law makers.

She belongs to a stable of little whore lizards. All the pimp lizards put her out in the truck lots to pick up scum lizards. Kids especially. 385,000 of them.

She's an abomination and should have been culled at birth.

Git her the FUCK OUT OF THERE.
Pearl Earrings my ass. She's worn allot of cheap pearl necklaces. I guess I'm her ear shouldn't surprise anyone.

If any of these abominations came within 100 miles of us, they would be found and dealt with appropriately.
The tar-heel way. They become part of the soil swinging from above.

Dear President Trump… Please make this nonsense stop and Make our Military real again.

Time to clean house.

USA DEBT CLOCK,✅ [9.9.2024 г. 15:22]✅
USDebtClock.org : Secret Window Tonight @ 6PM EST

🔥The FED are Racketeers who use the Fractional Reserve System to stay the 1% 🔥

Patriot, Disabled Veteran, Ex Firefighter. I will follow back all patriots and anons.

Look at this mixed bag of SHIT.
This is our justice system.
What a fucking disgrace, joke and all of them are medical abominations.

They should have never been but they are and now they feel PAIN.

God, family , truth, love, honor ,gratitude forgiveness. Keep inside the cart it's getting bumpy. God bless you all! #familyiseverything


How is this guy not in prison?