Rick B2T
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Rick B2T

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Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Use Your Gifts for Love

If you are putting God first, you are part of the Remnant and his glory and power will flow through us. We need to make sure that we use this power and glory for love and avoid pride. #PutGodFirst#Remnant#avoidpride


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness

We need to understand that we are in a spiritual battle. The spirit of darkness is among us and that is why we need to take up the whole Armor of God. #armorofGod#spiritofdarkness#SpiritualBattle


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

He was one with God

He came to his own and his own knew him not. Every other son was begotten by Jesus (was one with God) so his superior to all other sons and everything else that was created. #onlybegottenson#hisownknewhimnot#superiortoall


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Without Him, you don't know the Father.

The disciples left everything to follow Jesus, and they had to endure seeing him crucified. However, Sunday was coming. The only way to get to the Father is through him! #onlywaytothefather#throughChrist#sundayiscoming


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Present your Requests to God with Thanksgiving

We don't have to be anxious, but as we give our lives to Christ, we have access to the Holy of Holies and God himself will tell you what your calling is. #YourCalling#donotbeanxious#holyofholies


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

He Submitted Completely

Jesus gave Pilot no answer as he submitted to the cross. Vengeance is of the Lord. Sometimes we need a really big failure to convict our soul. #Jesussubmitted#submissiontothecross#vengeanceistheLords


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

The body has been deactivated

Although the enemy has deactivated the body, now is the time for me to reactivate it. Each of you have a specific function. I am bringing reinforcements for my Remnant! #BodyOfChrist#Remnant#reactivatingmybody


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Why do you have a shield of faith?

The enemies flaming darts will be thrown at you, but don't lose hope. Our shield of faith will protect us! #shieldoffaith#flamingdarts#flamingarrows#dontlosehope


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Old Self vs. New Self

Before Christ and after Christ. Our natural self due to the sin of Adam is there from the beginning. We need to have a healthy fear of the Lord or we will be futile in our thinking. #AfterChrist#NewSelf#SinofAdam#FearOfTheLord


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

It is the circumcision of your heart

To be part of the promise, you need to have an inwardly circumcision of your heart. This happens the moment we first believe! #cicumcisionoftheheart#firstbelieved#GodsPromise


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

I get alone with Him and He just talks to me

There is a difference between the Remnant and his Body of Christ. To move from the Body of Christ into the Remnant you need to come to Him alone with a renewed mind. #renewedmind#BodyOfChrist#Remnant#timealonewithgod


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

They call them synoptic gospels

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the synoptic gospels. We have these beautiful witnesses giving us different perspectives. The book of John often has more detail on certain events. All 4 come together to give us beautiful truths. #synopticgospels#MathewMarkLuke#Witnesses#BookofJohn#BeautifulTruths


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Walk in Love

The Christian walk has much to do with love. The greatest of faith, hope and love is love. Thinking about others is key.#WalkinLove#FaithHopeLove#GreatestisLove


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

He Proves Himself Again and Again

Jesus knew his hour and what would happen to him. And the Father guided him so he could fulfill all the Old Testament scriptures about the Messiah to prove God to be God, like future proves past. #GodProvesHimself#FulfilledProphecy#JesustheMessiah


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Before Abraham was I Am

Jesus made many "I Am" statements in the Book of John referring back to Exodus 3:14 when God told Moses "I Am Who I AM" and that "I Am" has sent you. In one instance Jesus told the Pharisees "Before Abraham was I Am." #IAmWhoIAm#BeforeAbrahamIAm#Exodus314#BookofJohn


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Heirs According to His Promise

Gentiles are fellow heirs to Jews. The people of Israel are still very important to God. Remember Gentiles (non-Jews) are "grafted in" to this tree of life. Faith in Jesus allows us to be grafted into this promise. #FellowHeirs#GraftenIn#FaithinJesus


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Make the Word of God Fully Known

We are tasked to make the word of God fully known by making disciples in every nation and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The stewardship of God is by faith! #WordOfGod#StewardshipofGod#ByFaith


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

The Whole Gospel is About Hope

Many people have no hope. Christianity is less of a religion and more about a relationship with Christ. The entire is about hope that cannot be taken away from you. This relationship gives us hope at all times, no matter what is going on in our lives. #HopeinChrist#hopeingod#GospelofHope


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

You Are at a Crossroads

Decisions that need to be made. Use my authority. It's time for a great separation. Everyone who has God first in their life, he will be using them in an amazing way. Those without God first, will be sitting on the sidelines. #Godfirst#FirstThingsFirst#YourAuthority#GreatSeparation


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

What Does God See When He Looks at You?


A clip from Rick's Teachings.

Teachings occur LIVE on Rumble before PraiseNPrayer on Mon and Thu night and then on WordNWorship Fri at 5pm CST and Sun at 10am CST.


Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Lord, Prepare me to be a Sanctuary

Be used by a vessel for God. God is not changing and it's been the same since the 2nd Chapter of the book of Acts. Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary. #MakeMeaSacturary#GodDoesntChange

Join Rick 6 Days a Week: https://rumble.com/c/Blessed2Teach

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

The Power of God's Chosen

Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

“Rick’s Alone Time with God” Blog: https://mtr.cool/joffqxqile
Join Rick 6 Days a Week: https://mtr.cool/vjlsfhswij

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Dec 16, 2023 Rick's Alone Time with God Blog: Life will get very difficult if you continue to give me no time and do not show any care for the word of God I have given you. These words are active and living, but not if you never read them. These words can give you peace love joy and all the fruits of the spirit, but not if the words are not in your heart.#ActivateGod#FruitsOfTheSpirit
Rick’s Alone Time with God” Blog: https://mtr.cool/ljrxlxrnlq

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

Stamp Out Pride and Die to Yourself Each Day

Dec 15, 2023 "Rick's Alone Time with God" Blog: My Remnant, well done. Most of you have adjusted your schedules to put me first. Keep focusing on me and seeking my face with reverence. Come boldly to my throne but with the understanding of who I Am. I need this balance of humbleness and confidence.#StampOutPride#DietoYourself#SeekMyFace

“Rick’s Alone Time with God” Blog: https://mtr.cool/dqkedfcnfy

Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth! B2T Show 4-5 nights per week.

I am Calling My Children into this Battle

Dec 14, 2023 "Rick's Alone Time with God" Blog: Wake up, my children, wake up. I am speaking to my Body of Christ that are not engaged in this worldwide spiritual battle. Wake up now. There is no longer any time to waste. My Remnant is ready for battle, but most of my body is still asleep on how the enemy is attacking. #FightwithGod#ReadyforBatttle

“Rick’s Alone Time with God” Blog: https://mtr.cool/kqeazwfqyv