BigRedVet07 GodWins
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Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Elisha's Prayer to Open his servant eyes.
The Prayer of Elisha where he showed his servant Geheisi they had nothing to fear; but didn't destroy the enemy, rather took pity on them, had them fed and sent home, and Israel wasn't bothered anymor
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Hannah dedicates Samuel to GOD for life
The Prayer featured is Hannah's anquished Prayer before God for a son; then God's answer: Samuel, who Hannah then dedicated to God for life. Arguably one of the most significant Prophets of God. Samue
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Achan's Sin Threatens ALL of Israel!
Joshua's Prayer before GOD about why the battle of AI failed. Well, it failed for 2 reasons, and if the firest reason for the failure had not happened, Israel would never have been routed by AI. God t
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Joshua meets the Commander of the Lord's Armies
From Joshua Chapter Five, where Joshua runs headlong into the very "Commander of the Lord's Armies" and then receives the Jericho battle plan. Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comment. There
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Ten Spies & the bad report Prayer
A look a Moses Prayer before GOD that saved the Israelites when ten of the twelve spies gave a bad report regarding Israel's ability to conquer Canaan. Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comme
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Moses Prayer at Red Sea - Exodus 14:10-28
A Muse of the time when Israel cried out because they were trapped between the Red Sea and Pharoah's Army; Moses Prayer and GOD's action on Israel's behalf. And "WE" have one more, GREATER EXODUS comi
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Abraham's Invention for Sodom - Gen. 18:16-33
The "Prayer" (conversation with GOD) of Abraham when he interceded on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah. Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comment. There is no cost, ever, and the benefit is the s
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - National Atheists Day & Jesus RISEN!
A devotional look at why there are no true atheists, why those who say they are claim it, and a defense of Jesus bodily rising from the grave. Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comment. There
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Jesus Last 3 short Prayers from the Cross
A devotional based on Jesus last three Prayers from the Cross; and how what looked like a defeat was the greatest VICTORY of all Time, and CHANGED EVERYTHING! Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Jesus Garden of Gethsemane Prayers
Prayers and background devotional from Jesus heartfelt, anguished Prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane just before they came to arrest Him. Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comment. There is
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Jesus' High Priestly Prayer
A re-telling of Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, a Prayer that directly concerns "YOU!" Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comment. There is no cost, ever, and the benefit is the spreading of the
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Jesus' Prayer with Troubled Spirit
The Prayer of Jesus to the Father about His Troubled Spirit towards the end. Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comment. There is no cost, ever, and the benefit is the spreading of the WORD of
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Jesus Prayer at Lazarus Grave.
A breakdown of Jesus short Prayer given at Lazarus Grave when He called Lazarus back to live. Another in a series on the Prayers of the Bible...not all of them, there are over 600; but we'll start wit
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Jesus Prayer when the 72 Disciples return
A breakdown and commentary on the short prayer Jesus offered when the 72 disciples He sent out 2 by 2 return full of Joy. Part of a series on the Prayers of the Bible...not all of them, there are over
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - The Lord's Prayer breakdown
We begin a series on the Prayers of the Bible...not all of them, there are over 600; but we'll start with the Prayers of Christ; them we'll look at a number of Prayers from great Old and New Testament
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Devotional Reading Thru the Psalms (#150) - NKJV
A Muse through the NKJV of the Psalms with the added "Story behind the Psalm" from Public Domain research published by Dr. Jack Hyles, decd. Allowing the TRUTH of God's WORD, the Songs, Prayers and Pr
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - A Purim Story retelling
A retelling of the story of Queen Ester and the Jewish Feast of PURIM. Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a Comment. There is no cost, ever, and the benefit is the spreading of the WORD of GOD a
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - a Purim Poem that tells the story
A Purim Poem, by Iris Nadel, that tells the story of Purim in poetic rhyme. I thought it was very well done and that I would share it with you. Happy Purim! Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE; leave a
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Devotional Reading Thru the Psalms (#149) - NKJV
A Muse through the NKJV of the Psalms with the added "Story behind the Psalm" from Public Domain research published by Dr. Jack Hyles, decd. Allowing the TRUTH of God's WORD, the Songs, Prayers and Pr
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Devotional Reading Thru the Psalms (#148) - NKJV
A Muse through the NKJV of the Psalms with the added "Story behind the Psalm" from Public Domain research published by Dr. Jack Hyles, decd. Allowing the TRUTH of God's WORD, the Songs, Prayers and Pr
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Devotional Reading Thru the Psalms (#147) - NKJV
A Muse through the NKJV of the Psalms with the added "Story behind the Psalm" from Public Domain research published by Dr. Jack Hyles, decd. Allowing the TRUTH of God's WORD, the Songs, Prayers and Pr
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Devotional Reading Thru the Psalms (#146) - NKJV
A Muse through the NKJV of the Psalms with the added "Story behind the Psalm" from Public Domain research published by Dr. Jack Hyles, decd. Allowing the TRUTH of God's WORD, the Songs, Prayers and Pr
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS

Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
One Pilgrim's Musings - Devotional Reading Thru the Psalms (#145) - NKJV
A Muse through the NKJV of the Psalms with the added "Story behind the Psalm" from Public Domain research published by Dr. Jack Hyles, decd. Allowing the TRUTH of God's WORD, the Songs, Prayers and Pr
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
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