Benny Smith
@BennySmith1960Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
Real MEN do not want to be WOMEN!!!
Real WOMEN do not want to be MEN!!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
President@Real Donald Trump AQUITTED again!!! President Donald Trump 2-0, Swamp Creatures 0-2. Know take your presidency back Mr President!!!!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
Do you trust a Government that made this mess to fix it? My answer is a big NO. I am still on the President Donald Trump Train. I still believe that President Donald Trump will be President AGAIN by March 4th!!!!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
"There is no such thing as COINCIDENCE"

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
bob coleman@profitsplusid reported this on Twitter SLV just added 37 million shares to the trust today. 1150 metric tons of buying in 1 day. This is huge!!! This is equivalent to 25% of all the registered inventory backing the silver Comex future contracts. Please retweet!!!!
This is the results on what the group that made Game stop stock go through the roof. And this group wants to do the same thing to silver. Are people getting a little antsy. If they are doing this amount everyday people need to buy 1 ounce silver coins. This group wants to send Silver from $25 to $1000 per ounce!!!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
From Elon Musk from Twitter
Elon Musk
u can’t sell houses u don’t own
u can’t sell cars u don’t own
u *can* sell stock u don’t own!?
this is bs – shorting is a scam
legal only for vestigial reasons

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
95 percent Americans are FOLLOWERS not LEADERS! Americans are easily condition to tote the line. Look they didn'even questioned about wearing a mask they just put it on. Any story they are told by the Government and Media they believe it. America is in this condition because of the 95 percenters had no push back. Same ones that put on the mask will be the same ones that will take the vaccine. A vaccine takes years to develop not 9 months, people believed wearing a mask would save you from this virus and the survival rate was .9995. I am 61 have NOT put a mask on and will not take the vaccine

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!

@xanon you were right!!!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
ALL I want is TRUTH from everyone and I will only give you TRUTH. The Bible is TRUTH in everything it says, and every word you read from the Bible is TRUTH. Truth can never be changed.

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
I was kicked off twitter for speaking up for President Donald Trump and speaking against the democratic party(DEMON PARTY).

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!
I believe our President is Donald Trump!! I believe our nation is in DIRE need to remove all evil that has been in our nation for 150 years and it is on display since November 3rd 2020. You cannot be blind by them anymore. It is time to take our country back from this evil. President Donald Trump is on our side look what they have done to him from day one, if they can do that to him what do you think they will do to you and me. My Grandfather told me when I was a kid never trust the Federal Government and the Banks. We stand togather against this evil and this evil will fall like a brick!

Jesus is my Savior and Donald Trump is my President. All I want from you is the TRUTH and I will always tell you the TRUTH. FAITH over FEAR!