Barry OKenyan
@BarryOKenyanNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
If after 18 months of govt lies, academic fraud, and the media’s complicity with propaganda, you still place your trust in such institutions then the consequences of your idol worship are your responsibility.
-COVID-19 is a weapon used to induce global fear
-... can be easily prevented and/or treated in the prehospital setting
-fear is used to create a false justification for a far worse weapon called the “covid-19 vaccine”
-... this vaccine may lead to genocide on an unprecedented scale
... reject the media’s false narrative, Fauci’s and Biden’s advice, and the recommendations of the vile who, fda, cdc, and the nih.
There are enough like minded, freedom loving, and God centered people in this country that will coalesce together and resist tyranny at all costs.
Please save yourself and your family. Reject fear, love God, and prepare to sacrifice everything for the sake of your children’s and humanities future.
Vladimir Zelenko MD
Telegram: Contact @zelenkoprotocol
If after 18 months of governmental lies, academic fraud, and the whore media’s complicity with false propaganda induced death, you still place your trust in such institutions then the consequences of your idol worship are your responsibility. Here is the true narrative: -COVID-19 is a weapon used..
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
To All humanity.
If after all the information that is now available about the dangers of Covid-19 deaths shots you still choose to take the poison—-the negative consequences are completely on you.
1. Covid-19 is an extremely easy infection to overcome if you are young and healthy or you start treatment immediately upon the onset of symptoms.
2. Covid-19 is a bioweapon ...
3. The poisonous death shot causes
acute, subacute, and long term death consequences
Acute death
-spike protein induced blood clots that cause heart attacks, strokes, lung infarcts
-increase in miscarriages and spontaneous abortions by 8 to 24 times before 20 weeks gestation
-extremely dangerous heart inflammation called myocarditis that is killing many more young people than covid-19 itself.
Vladimir Zelenko MD
see for more >>
Telegram: Contact @zelenkoprotocol
To All humanity. If after all the information that is now available about the dangers of Covid-19 deaths shots you still choose to take the poison—-the negative consequences are completely on you. Facts. 1. Covid-19 is an extremely easy infection to overcome if you are young and healthy or you..
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
Please follow Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on Telegram
Telegram: Contact @zelenkoprotocol
Please do me a favor share and invite people to this channel.
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
It’s time we all come together for the sake of the next generation.
Please sign @PanData19’s declaration and share wide.
See our open letter to@SavetheChildren
Declaration for the Protection of Children and Young People from the COVID-19 Response - PANDA
Children and young people have the right to pursue life, liberty, learning, leisure, love and laughter. This declaration makes recommendations for society to ensure that these rights are upheld during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
A VaxPass System like this will give to those controlling the database & it’s algorithms TOTALITARIAN TYRANNY over us all,
The ONLY way to stop this biosecurity nightmare is to NOT GET VACCINATED FOR NON MEDICAL REASONS!!!
I fear that, if our adversaries gain this absolute control, they will use it to harm the population. There’s no limit to the evil which will flow from this strategic goal.
DO NOT ALLOW THIS SYSTEM TO START UP, because it’s unstoppable afterwards.
One example: your VaxPass pings, instructing you to attend for your 3rd or 4th or 5th booster or variant vaccine. If you don’t, your VaxPass will expire & you’ll become an out-person, unable to access your own life.
How much choice do you have?
It’s none. You are controlled. Forever.
PLEASE share this widely, on every platform you use.
Thank you,
Dr Mike Yeadon 2/2

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
It is very important that people understand what is happening here.
The intention is to introduce vaccine passports everywhere. But this is a disguise. It’s a world’s first digital common-format, globally-interoperable ID system with an editable health flag (vaccinated Y or N).
It makes no one safer. If you’re vaccinated, you’re protected & are not made safer by knowing others immune status.
As in Israel, you will be compelled to present a valid VaxPass in order to access defined facilities or access services. No VaxPass, you’re denied.
This system only needs 50%+ of the adult population to start up because of its huge, coercive power on the unvaccinated.
It’s illegal, medical apartheid.
If they succeed, it won’t help you to refuse, They’ll move on, leaving that minority behind. 1/2

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
SURAMIN - antidote for the covid vaccines?
It can also reverse AUTISM?
You will never "catch" a virus again after this. Ever.
Current posts on covid
Cures, treatments for covid, FLU19
Ivermectin, HCQ, DX/AZ, Zinc, vitamin D3, etc
4,283 links on covid

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
MADISON — A Rock County-owned nursing home policy that mandates employees get the COVID-19 vaccination or be laid off is “illegal and unenforceable,” according to a cease-and-desist letter filed on behalf of a nursing home employee.
“By implementing its vaccine mandate, your (facility) is attempting to coerce all of its employees into receiving one of the COVID-19 Vaccines,” Elizabeth Brehm, attorney at New York-based Siri Glimstad law firm, wrote on behalf of Amber DeJaynes, a staff member at the Rock Haven skilled nursing facility in Janesville.
The legal effort appears to be led by the Informed Consent Action Network, a Texas-based vaccine skeptic organization, sources tell Wisconsin Spotlight. It also runs counter to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidance that allows employers to mandate vaccinations, with exceptions.
Wisconsin Nursing Home Faces Backlash After Policy Mandates Employees Get COVID-19 Vaccine by M.D. Kittle
MADISON — A Rock County-owned nursing home policy that mandates employees get the COVID-19 vaccination or be laid off is “illegal and unenforceable,” according to a cease-and-desist letter filed on
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
Keep an eagle eye on this case. See ICANdecide org
Doña Ana County detention officer sues over COVID-19 vaccine mandate
In January, county first responders and some other employees were told to get one of the experimental vaccines or face losing their jobs.
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
3,717 links on FLU19 related matters that you can use to battle any lockdown, mass, vaccination feral nazis, libs.

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
Federal law prohibits#employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19#vaccine distributed under an EUA
Employers can't require Covid-19 vaccination under an EUA - STAT
Organizations are free to encourage Covid-19 vaccination by employees and others, but federal law prohibits them from requiring it.
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More exceptionally strong results from novel androgen receptor blocker#Proxalutamide, in hospitalized patients now: much shorter hospital stays, no intubation, no death.
Flag of United Kingdom
Proxalutamida reduz tempo médio de internação e mortes por Covid, diz estudo
Num dos primeiros testes em pacientes com sintomas leves, nenhum precisou ser hospitalizado, contra 27% entre os que tomaram placebo
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"Robert F. Kennedy Jr: COVID19#vaccine Should Be Avoided At All Cost"

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
We are to obey laws with respect to external matters - "Give unto Caeasar what is Caesar's" - but NO law has jurisdiction over our body and our mind. That is, our healthy/life and our belief. Countless conflicts were enacted to defend those two inalienable rights.

Something never felt right. Found Q through Joe M. in 2017. Read every Q post. Trusting the plan and living on faith that God wins.
My wife in an RN. She was getting tremendous pressure to get both the flu and CV19 shots. She verbally refused repeatedly and via email at least twice. However, hospital managment kept harassing her multiple times daily (whenever she worked). We then wrote this letter (modied to share with you) and sent it via Certified Mail. Harassment has stopped save a few sly remarks here and there. Please feel free to use it and share it should you find it useful.

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
If you or anyone you know is being required by an employer or school to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, ICAN is pleased to offer to support legal action on your behalf to challenge the requirement. In order to obtain this potential assistance, please email us at: and provide a copy of the written notice from your school or employer stating that the COVID-19 vaccine is required.
Without your support, our ability to fight these illegal COVID-19 vaccine requirements would not be happening. Thank you for making our work possible!

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#vaccines #deaths #Miscarriages #Coronavirus #moderna
The VAERS reports contain two suicide reports, both very shortly after vaccination. Female suicide by firearm is rare - it happens, but it’s rare.
a 44-year-old with no psychiatric history who had a psychotic break less than 72 hours after her shot
Thread by @AlexBerenson on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Thread by @AlexBerenson: 1/ Another oddity in the vaccine adverse events reports: one Moderna trial death was a suicide in the vaccine arm. It was judged unrelated; someone approached me and told me he had informat...…
Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
Caitlyn RN fakebook
10 hrs ·
Pfizer Study Breakdown:
18,198-vaccine group
18,325-placebo group
8 vaccine recipients tested positive for covid and 162 tested positive in the placebo group.
That's 0.04% positivity rate in the vaccine group and 0.8% positivity in the placebo group.
When they say their vaccine is 95% effective what they mean is 0.04% is a 95% reduction from 0.8%. It doesn't mean the vaccine prevents 95% of cases, or that it works 95% of the time, or that it protects 95% of people, or anything of the sort. The difference... is STATISTICALLY INSIGNI

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
#Facebook #OffFacebookActivity tracking
"Off Facebook Activity" Tracking.
[I only use fakebook on my desktop via Firefox on strict no history.I use Btave as my main browser. So there, fakebook, track that!]

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
This was the real reson for big tech kicking Trump: to protect bidenxi's from his retelentless twieet-bombs. Cheating cowards!

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#Coronavirus #herd immunity
1/ Indians must have no confusion about how we reached impressive Covid herd immunity: "India’s masses didn’t have the luxury to ‘work from home’ and follow social distancing, but they might have silently built India’s herd immunity"
[The lockdown and mask measure werre/are scams.[
Thread by @andrewbostom on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Thread by @andrewbostom: 1/ Indians must have no confusion about how we reached impressive Covid herd immunity: "India’s masses didn’t have the luxury to ‘work from home’ and follow social distancing, but they migh...…
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#vaccines #deaths #Miscarriages #Coronavirus
Andrew Bostom, MD, MS
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) search (see screenshot of variables queried) on Pfizer/Moderna mRNA C19 vaccines for data available thru 1/15/21→ 149 deaths; 170 life-threatening events; 454 hospitalizations; & 1651 ER visits
[Remember, only a fraction of the total events were recorded in VAERS.]

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
#Coronavirus #Real data
The ro has proven to be so much less dangerous than we feared; and our response has proven to be so much more dangerous.
When will people wake up?

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
#vaccines #passport
Prof Francois Balloux
I agree with
Immunity/vaccine#COVID10 passports are a dreadful idea. It would represent a discriminatory measure (some people can't be vaccinated for health reasons). Such a policy would also delay the return to post-pandemic normal life.
Immunity Passports Are a Bad Idea
No vaccine for 3 groups
1) can't (contraindication)
2) won't (hesitant, anti-vax)
3) unable (no access)
Serological tests are of variable sensitivity.
Passports already facilitate differential travel "rights" for the rich--let's not reinfor

Focus on FLU19 (covid) matters full-time on twitcrat with much concern. See my database for 3,400+ links.
#vaccines #deaths #Miscarriages #Coronavirus #moderna
[Now even the corrupt] WHO advises against pregnant women taking Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr: COVID19 Vaccine Should Be Avoided At All Cost"
If the C-vax is so urgent and important, why does Cornell Uni allow its students of colour to opt out?!
And the remember, only a fraction of the actual events are recorded.
WHO advises against pregnant women taking Moderna COVID-19 vaccine | TheHill
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday advised against pregnant women taking the Moderna coronavirus vaccine unless they are health care workers or have preexisting conditions.
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Thia is just another bum-steer.
Thread by @ZubyMusic on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Thread by @ZubyMusic: Phrasing. Imagine bending over for the government like this. At least China is finally getting to the bottom of this. No other nation has analysed the situation so deeply. I think they've fina...…
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#vaccines #deaths #Miscarriages #Coronavirus #mRNA
What we know and do NOT know re the mRNA vaccines

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#vaccines #deaths #Miscarriages #Coronavirus #mRNA
A scientist at a biotechnology company thinks the vaccines may increase miscarriage risk by stimulating interferon production. Make sure to read the last screenshot about potential long-term autoimmune effects, too. “At this point only time will tell.”

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#vaccines #deaths #Miscarriages #Coronavirus #mRNA
'We've discovered vaccine side-effects Pfizer wasn't aware of'
Sheba Hospital's infectious disease unit chief reports on newly-discovered side-effects of vaccine, including facial nerve paralysis.

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#Coronavirus #tests #scams
Here is another way they use the FLU19 scam to impoverish and control us, apart from making people lose jobs and businesses: these costly endless tests at over $100 a tickle!