rocky barqiyah
4 years ago

rocky barqiyah

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There are doors to keep closed in your life. Do you know them? If you keep them closed, you will be blessed above all the earth, Says the Lord.
I know that I couldn't keep things in my life until I started reading the Bible. I found these doors that I had open, it kept on demanding things from me. It was so hard for me to understand until the Holy Spirit showed me the truth. God had set these doors in place to keep us free from bondage, and not to be a slave to Satan.
I was in the local church and I looked around. As I looked around I noticed things on the walls, even the alter. Different pictures of people, animals, and things that were supposed to be Holy, but are images. What do you see in your church?

There has been a conspiracy since the beginning. Christ's death, to mess lead people into a false religion. Yes, He died, but when did He die. This is the most crucial question. The Bible tells us, but not taught. Why? Control over them the masses. Satan's army wants you for Himself. The world is controlled by him. Find in yourself to research this, to be saved. This false religion is fighting back, against our beloved President TRUMP, and the human race. Study Daniel 9 this is the secret in it, it's not what they're teaching, Satan.
Look at Exodus, God's Owen prophecy 20:9. This has Jesus' resurrection all over it.
More to come! Amen

Did you know that the Ten Commandments are a clue to Jesus' death?
Would you like to know more about Jesus? And the day of His death? The Spirit of the LORD wants you to know the truth. But the church doesn't. It will put to death the lies that have been told for centuries.
Go to Daniel, He prophesied Jesus' death in 9:27. Remember the bible is Jewish. The middle is Tuesday, not Wednesday. more to come in the days ahead.

My sons and daughters, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within your heart, says the Lord. so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply to your understanding, yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of YHWH (GOD), and find the knowledge of Yah. Proverbs 2,
continue to read proverbs 2 just note: Matthew 7:7 ,
from YHWH's, come knowledge and understanding, YHWH stores up sound wisdom for the upright, YHWH is a shield for those who wal

What is the safe bet in life? YHVH (GOD). In Exodus 31:17 God gives us assurance of this. Be smart and worship God after work on Friday night. Then have a great weekend knowing you keep your vow to God. Amen!
It's that simple, do it God's way. Don't be like the world and be enrapture, Matthew 24

People don't understand yet. It's YHVH (GOD). He is showing us to come back to Him. You might think I'm full of S__T, but it's true. I have studied the Bible for going on thirty years now. The bible says to keep the Sabbath, we don"t because of the Roman church. They changed the day of worship to the first day of the week in the third century. In Daniel 7:25 prophecied this would happen. The Roman church went as fair to change the day Jesus died to keep believers in their churches. In the same book of Daniel, 9:27 tells us the day of the week Jesus died on. In the middle of the week, Jesus wou