Kakoli Bandyopadhyay
1 year ago

Kakoli Bandyopadhyay

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From Ocean to Sky

Shove it in the @ sisterfucker AfroArab JewQanon

In twitter there is a huge dirty campaign is going on against some like Biden Pence who are anti black and Jew domination the way the dirty campaign was conducted by the tribe against Adolf and AryanNazis against Hindu sacred symbol Swastika. This AfroArab LibyanIranian Druze Cohenite Lincolnite Jewish group Q anon is the leader of this campaign. Be caution about this ongoing dirty Jewish Campaign against White Americans.

@ Jim Jones Dyna Fucker
@ QJewAnonSwamp
See! Only we the Swastika Followers were able to put the Swamp in GChamber and again we the Swastika holders will put the Devil's children in G chamber when God will appear as Gas.

Before paying attention to the Monkey on Rope Epstein
pay attention to this. USA has an airport named by a President who f**ked an young adult on the bed of First Lady Jackie in White House.
Swamp is far deeper than Epstein or Einstein.
@ QJEW @ Jim Jones Dynafucker

Child trafficker Disney produced anti trafficking Sound of Freedom cinema. No one absolutely no one from Hollywood or Disney ever made a film or ever make a film on Child care agency and its child snatching and trafficking in Texas, Denver and other states of USA Canada.
Haitian children, chinese children who are not important to Haitians and Chinese but important to Qanon not the children of Texan and of confederate.

See! This is the homeland fucker Lincolnite Cohenite clan of Devil's own tribe Druze Jews
And these fuckers want you to purchase ticket to watch Sound of Freedom and cry for Haitian.
If this is not the Mockery of JudeoMasonicJesuit Mafia to our children then what is!!
@ QJewJimJones Dynafucker

Haitians are very cunning crook filthy community I do not have any sympathy for this sewer from Haiti.
Some NGO folks are taking advantage of the Haitians in Haiti doe not mean I have to tolerate Haitian crooks here outside Haiti.
@ QJew rotten chang


When I have touched the devil's horn
with my pencil as I do not touch
unclean unkempt minded devil nig**ger,
Devil out of fear jumped inside the wheel of fear
and start running upside down.
I did not do anything, I just softly touched the horn
with my pencil that turned into an eel electrocuted
the program inside the horn.
As you know Devil
has programs inside not any soul.
Turmoil has begun in program which started throwing
as usual dirty horny substances which are boring
however it makes sense that Devil does not have much in its
arsenal to make a flamethrower.
Same old boring sex related vulgarity which is linear, easily
penetrable and not a bad idea to sit inside the program and
burst into roars of laughter

Same old boring sex related vulgarity which is linear, easily
penetrable and not a bad idea to sit inside the program and
burst into roars of laughter.
On this non physical platform
The Devil is quite helpless in this matter.
What about on the physical plain? Well, it is still going on.
First the mulattos and blacks,
next white LGBT men and women along
with flat faced mongoloid brainless creatures
The Devil threw them one at a time.
There begins the cycle again.

This time though everything is quite topsy turvy for Devil
( using it as it is genderless program not humanoid).
This time I am determined to use this program to kick out the
devilish racist equation and
makes the blacks to accept that
they are nig**gers by their actions and choice.
I called repeatedly this devil's plan Strategic Nig**gering which jolted
both society and the matrix under the devil's program.
It is going on.
Now newbies are on the non physical platform
using a new adjective I never heard before,
again it is the vulgar word Cuck. So I checked google
and found that it is quite a word suitable to use as a flamethrower
over the Devil's own people.

For example Charles Windsor used to be an unwilling Cuck
when he was forced to marry that female version of Devil making
rounds from royal stables to the Afro Arab mecca rats' beds.
Charles saved himself with a divorce.
Here I am with a new flamethrower----
if Charles is a Cuck as the Devil wife doing rounds on others' beds,
what will I call those fake sons of Charles with that D wife?
Devil's Cocks.
This is all for this round
Let the flame burn the stable and the horn
to warm up the grill in the right temperature
for the next round of making the vulgar program
more juicy and tender.


Is this African Caribbean black SEWER America is throwing on us in Canada for legalizing weed in Canadian government? Yes that' what it looks like.
Trump that Chabad Swamp swine started it.

If I were in charge I would have reopened Auschwitz with first prisoners groups of Kennedy and Trump bloodlines whole US Space Force along with Kremlin TelAviv London Berlin Paris Chabad and Saudi Iran Brunei Egypt Tukey SouthAsian Islamic Chabad people not to gass them but going through a hard labour.

If I were in charge I would have reopened Auschwitz with first prisoners groups of Kennedy and Trump bloodlines along with Kremlin TelAviv London Berlin Paris Chabad and Saudi Iran Brunei Egypt Tukey SouthAsian Islamic Chabad people not to gass them but going through a hard labour.

If I were in charge I would have reopened Auschwitz with first prisoners groups of Kennedy and Trump bloodlines along with Kremlin TelAviv London Berlin Paris Chabad people.

To solve this problems of Hijabi incest and black beasts, If I were in charge I would have shoot the whole Kennedy bloodline including their old and suckling babies then abolish civil right movement related all laws and amendments, all dirty immigration laws made by Kennedys and their doggo LG and Bush clan.

অটোয়ায় আমার চারপাশের হিজাবি বোরখাওয়ালী আর কালোগুলোর জন্য একটাই উপদেশঃ
যা কালো মাগী নিজের গুদে গরম তেল ঢেলে বসে থাক।

হিজাবীবোরখা ভাইচোদ মাগী্রদল তেল গরম করে নিজের গুদে ঢাল আর নিজের চোদাভাইয়ের পোঁদে ঢাল আর তারপর রোস্টেড হলে দুজনে দুজন কে কেটে খা, এই হল তোদের জন্য কুরভাইঞ্চোদি ইদ পশু মারতে হবেনা।

What did Argentina Chile admin did to Commies? They took their children and raised those children in AryanNazi discipline when throwing biological parents in ocean. It is inhuman but necessary action. Argentina Chile survived.
Now you know why Nazis are still a killer word that make the Ashkenazi Jewish veins shiver.

Once I read the rumour that Biden attempted to kidnap KennedySr's son. It appeared bad but not that bad , if he were transferred by kidnapping from his lolitaphile Jewish Father and Jesuit Mother who has a crush on her own father and implanted in a proper AryanNazi family he would have grown up with high value and high self esteem integrity of character not typical American bed hopping sub adults in school college universities. It will be good for USA too to have a good person no nigge business administrator.

When F**g Nige Obama and White Jew Epstein friend Trump, Lolitaphile Kennedy and Clinton all are
33rd breed Mason there is no side in that vulgar realm.

Who first hoisted that dirty filthy F**g flag in White house.
Obama the dirty nigger groomed by Ted Kennedy the brother of that dirty nige KennedySr who sold CIA to Ashkenazi Jews.

This pride flag on White House is complete dystopic circus. Biden is helping Ukraine and I watch young Biden yelling for White and not in favor of racial equality. This is the mockery of American white by
AfroArab Lincolinite Cohenite Kennedy dirty nige jews

Today saw three clones of Tom Cruise.
How many clones of Kennedy are there?

The price of human life is nothing in a country with a large population which means those countries will never face a lack of soldiers to fight a long term war. Germany cannot make a dent, facing this large pool of human resources of Tsarist Russia.

Hence, Adolf made this plan to stage the kill as much and as fast as possible.
Germany invaded Russia,won Stalingrad, stuck around which made the mentally deranged Stalin and his Jewish handlers to eliminate 24 to 27 or highly likely more Russian non Jewish Slavs.

You know speaking truth is not in the DNA of Bolshevik converted people. Adolf got what he wanted. But later when the Allied force got wind and realized how Adolf made a fool of them by putting their collective feet in their collective mouths.
The allied force especially Soviet Jewry and Red Army including Eisenhower
( was he not part of the Red Army?) broke over Germany Japan as collective carnivore that even surpass the carnivores of Animal world on

"House & Senate to allow $36 Trillion US Debt To Rise Even Higher – with nowhere to borrow the money, setting up Operation Sandman De-dollarization: within 24 hours $2 Trillion U.S. Treasury Bonds would be dumped, loosing 50-90% of US Dollar value. US cash would be worthless. "

If Dumping US Treasury bonds means bankrupting China, I will ready to have coffee/dinner whatever you wish. But before that do it and show me the result


I do not mind stand together but not with survivors of Auschwitz and Lolitaphils bolsheviks of QJoo Anon, not with Afro Arab Mongoloids sub humans




Ok! Shall I accept this multiple train crash in Odisha India as part of the plan?

All medical doctors stuff psychologists working for gender surgery hormone blockers, must be physically eliminated as fast as possible and all the workers of Pharma companies and lobbies working to harm kids on this field from CEO to Janitars must be physically terminated as fast as possible. If you need new virus and vaxxin to do that.
Do it. And please start DNA repairing of all deviant people restoring them to sound mental and physical health. Do it fast
@ Swastika Followers

Venezolano pais de 7 estrellas #penacapitalatodosloscorruptos #portelegaldearmasalosciudadanos #prohibirelsocialismo wwg1wga

I am so sick of all this talk in the media and Hollywood about how "White Supremacy is the greatest problem we face".

If White Supremacy was the problem, there would be museums about White Supremacy in every major city. White Supremacy would be required learning in schools. You wouldn't be able to say anything derogatory about Whites at all without being cancelled, fired, de-banked, and de-personed. You would be REQUIRED to pay obeisance to Whites by signing pledges to them, and visiting their holiest sites. You would never be allowed to hold office without swearing fealty to them. You would be forced to tithe endless sums of money to them, and you would be forced to venerate anything they held as culturally important, if White Supremacy was the greatest problem in the nation today. Hell, if White Supremacy was the problem, Congress would be trying to pass laws to make insulting a White person a federal crime!

H.R. 3515
-@ BattleDwarfGimli

George Bush Sr was not born in America claimed by jewish narrative
but so was Kennedysr and his bro Robert F sr both were born in Libya and planted in America, So was Obama the Niggar.
So who is fooling whom? Even Trump is not born in America.
Who cares for 33rd degree ass fucking puppets?