Truth Teller
3 years ago

Truth Teller

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Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Alright lets say "Q" isnt real. Than "Q" should have been easily Identified by the media by now. You cant tell me the Biden (fake) adminstration hasnt been deep diving using their intelligence (fake) branches to find out who was posting as "Q". why are their hit pieces still be manufactured on "Q" a month into the Biden adminstration? why hasnt the FBI found anything on "Q"? NSA would certainly know who "Q" is by now. if you step back and logically think then you know and they know Q is real, the plan is real and NCSWIC! where is Comey and Podesta???? how about lisa Page?#wwg1wga#MAGA#trusttheplan#EnjoyTheShow

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Just an FYI on vaccinations. It’s like covid. Some people it doesn’t bother (yet) without knowing the long term ramifications but others get very sick and some die. You can investigate yourself.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Maybe they are not conspiracy theorists ...maybe they see something you dont yet.
Maybe they are not conspiracy theorists maybe they've learned something you haven't yet.
Maybe they arent conspiracy theorist maybe they understand a pattern you do not see yet .
Maybe they arent conspiracy theorist maybe they see where it all leads .
Maybe they aren't crazy maybe they see the language of the universe and even in the face of ridicule they are trying to translate it for you.

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Great video to watch! This blew my mind!

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Here we go- just like Trump said “they will come after your guns”. When will be the time when America wakes up??? They have been taking away out inalienable rights at a current pace and we have been allowing them. We the people run this country not the government!

BREAKING: Pres. Biden issues a statement calling on Congress to enact legislation mandating background checks on all gun sales, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and to hold gun manufacturers liable for violence committed with firearms -AP

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

weird how Podesta hasnt tweeted in over 2 weeks when he has the ability to be louder than ever with Biden in office. he does sometimes go a couple of weeks in between tweets though. you know who really doesnt go a long time in between tweets especially with his book on the market?? James Comey. his last tweet was 1/21. could be q-incidence or maybe hes been kidnapped?#themoreyouknow#wwg1wga#MAGA#harvest

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Dems wanted to have witnesses called for the impeachment hearing until Jason Miller showed them they had 301 witnesses to call. the dems freaked out, not because of the number of witnesses but the witnesses on the list. imagine all those witnesses on that list being under oath??? you think they'd tell the truth on the stand? what if they didnt tell the truth and committed perjury??? Trumps legal team just made them literally crap their pants ZOOM IN!#wwg1wga#5DChess#TheGreatAwakening#MAGA

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

its almost comical how we as a society can easily be fooled by our goverment and their propaganda arm, MSM. we fell for the biggest hoax in world history and yet we still comply to it by wearing masks, social distancing and waiting to get the mysterious covid vaccine. what happened to the flu? im not a epidemiologist but isnt the flu and covid part of the same RNA family? you want to be safe take vitamen D at least twice a week and do not take the vaccine!

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

My first introduction to Q was the death of No Name. Buddy mentioned something about the wrinkle flag and i researched it and stumbled on Q. Saw the plan to save the world and we are the plan and i was hooked. let me tell you how amazing it is too see all these Anons now! Its almost impossible for the evil doers to hide the truth. Now we need to take back our country by making our voices louder than ever!!!

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Why does it have to be by the book- rule of law- everything documented?? Its called the General Smedley Butler rule!

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

who's the snake? Biden, Obama or......?

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

do you know how to tell time? do you know how to read the Q clock?

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

if you are on the fence about Q- enjoy!!

Trump supporter, Q follower, Fake news exposer, Christ follower, Dog rescuer, family man

Let’s trust Dr Fraudci! In early 1996 Dr Gary Davis came up with a cure to HIV- aids. He couldn’t get FDA approval because our high Dr was blocking him. WHY?? Well the “goat” serum was cheap and it got rid of the disease quickly. Proven in Africa and this linked story. Now the cocktail today cost an avg of 20000 per year, per customer and it doesn’t cure it only “contains” it. Hmm........ we know that HCQ does wonders for covid and guess who block it for use??? Cost is about 1.10 per customer. Oh by the way Dr Davis died from a suspicious death